Law Chat with Girija

Journey of Hosting Virtual Summits & Conferences - What You Need To Do Legally?

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Gearing up to host an event? Tune in to find out how to make it legally compliant.


Episode Introduction: 

In today’s episode of Law Chat with Girija, we’re talking about what you need to ensure in terms of legal compliance before hosting a virtual or in-person event such as a conference or a summit.


Episode Summary: 

Girija Patel walks us through the five most essential things to keep in mind in terms of law when hosting an event. It covers important information about setting up the event and the four most important contracts you need to have.


Main Takeaways:

  • Ensure that nobody else is using the same name as your event and in the same capacity.
  • Go through the terms and conditions of all of the transactional software involved in selling the tickets and ensure you’re compliant.
  • Your privacy policy should cover how you’ll be using the information given by an attendee. 
  • Have a detailed contract/ terms and conditions outlining your expectations from the event attendees and what they can expect from you as well.
  • Have a detailed contract with the educators/ people you are collaborating with for the event.
  • Have a detailed contract with the event space AKA a Venue Contract.


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Law Chat with GirijaBy Girija Bhargava Patel

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