It’s June, y’all. This month on The Brown Skin Mom Podcast, we are celebrating Brown Skin Dads. This series is kicked off by someone very close to me. Check it out!
Focusing on the unique love that only Brown Skin Dads can bring to our families, we want to dispell the myth that has become the black father. The Brown Skin Mom Podcast is celebrating our fathers this month. These dads are sharing parenting lessons, how they support their families, and what they love about fatherhood. We aren’t shattering the stereotype and instead saying there should have never been a stereotype, to begin with.
This week I sat down with Munchkin’s father, Laurence (aka Papa Bear) to talk about fatherhood from the black man’s perspective. We talk about what he enjoys about being a father and what challenges him. Papa Bear shares his goals for fatherhood. He shares fatherhood from his unique point of view. Papa Bear gives an introspective look at why he never bought the stereotype and why he parents the way he does.
Take a listen as we kick off our #DadGoals Series. These wonderful men are providing powerful insight with a side of laughter as they discuss “dad life”.
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