Triangle Tactical Podcast - Competitive Shooting, Mostly

Junk Science: Shooting On The Move

Last week over on the Triangle Tactical Facebook page I posted "Ask Me Anything", and Ryan asked "Shooting while moving, ever worth it?"

My initial reaction given what I've seen and heard in the past was that shooting Minor power factor, it's hard to score enough points to make shooting on the move worth it. A couple other dudes called me out, and it really made me want to put it to the test. So I did.

This is the 7 round stage I setup:


Start position was about where I took the picture from, then there's a second position past the 3rd target which was the only place the steel could be shot from. I shot it two ways: Shooting all the paper from the start position, then running to the steel position and hitting the steel, and moving from the start position, shooting the paper as I got closer to it, then shooting the steel from the steel position.

This had me moving the same amount of distance, shooting the same amount of targets. The results were interesting.

Shooting static my hit factors were as follows:

  1. 4.257
  2. 4.294
  3. 4.176
  4. 4.504
  5. 3.850
  • Average Hit Factor: 4.216

Shooting on the move hit factors:

  1. 5.263
  2. 5.080
  3. 4.957
  4. 4.650
  5. 4.740
  • Average Hit Factor: 4.938

There was a definite improvement while shooting on the move, which totally rocked my world. Obviously this is junk science, but it's awesome to know that I can be faster shooting on the move, when I've always thought I should post up and shoot, then move.

Anyways, this was a hoot to do. If you've got any ideas for future Junk Science episodes, shoot me an email at [email protected]


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Triangle Tactical Podcast - Competitive Shooting, MostlyBy Lucas Apps