The Naked Songwriter

Lake of Fire

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Scorpio New Moon Opposition Uranus: Don’t Fear the Future
The Naked Songwriter Podcast #52
The October 27 New Moon in Scorpio opposition Uranus the Awakener in Taurus = a month in which anything can happen.
Find out who’s really serving God and who are the minions of the devil. And why this is a month where you really want to focus on the good — with money planet Venus joining fellow lucky star Jupiter (spending his last month in Sagittarius until he returns in 2030). It’s Scorpio season, baby. Time for those of you who are spiritually wealthy to ground that prosperity in the material world.

The Naked Songwriter is my (usually) twice-a-month love letter to you in words and music. I can always use a little sugar in my bowl (donate link).
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The Naked SongwriterBy D.K. Brainard