School Your Soul || Personal growth | Inspiration | Be your best self | Happiness

Learning to Love Yourself with Agapi Stassinopoulos

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Agapi Stassinopoulos is a best-selling author and speaker who inspires audiences around the world.


In her book Wake Up to the Joy of You: 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier Life, which we talk about a lot in this episode, she takes readers on a journey to let go of what doesn’t work and instead create the lives they really want. I highly recommend this book! It's a beautiful manual of how you can incorporate spirituality and self growth into your daily life by taking small, manageable steps. It's laid out in 52 short chapters so you can read a chapter a week throughout the year. 


Agapi has spoken and conducted meditations all over the world and is currently conducting workshops for Thrive Global, a company founded by her sister, Arianna Huffington, to help change the way we work and live.


She divides her time between New York and Los Angeles and was born and raised in Athens, Greece.


We did the interview at Agapi’s home in Los Angeles so I had the good fortune of getting to meet her face to face. And what a joy it was. She was filled with so much light and love – it was such beautiful way to spend an evening.


I know you guys are going to love her! Enjoy the show!



In Today’s Episode We Explore:

  • Her journey in finding her purpose and path
  • How we develop our limiting beliefs or that feeling that "we’re not enough"
  • Why we shouldn’t side step our emotions
  • What to do when our expectations in life don’t match our reality
  • Her daily practice of self-love
  • And much much more!


Resources From The Episode:

For free meditations or to connect with Agapi email - [email protected]

Agapi's BOOK: Wake Up To The Joy Of You 

Agapi's BOOK: Unbinding The Heart 

MEDITATIONS: Wake Up To the Joy Of You Meditations on Audible 



For more visit:

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Let's Connect!

I would love to hear your feedback and get to know you guys so if you have topic requests or guest suggestions or just want to say hi – you can reach me at [email protected] or on social media below

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School Your Soul || Personal growth | Inspiration | Be your best self | HappinessBy Sarah Cordial

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