
Letting Go of Hope Might Be a Good Thing - My Conversation with Keith Kahn Harris

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Dr Keith Kahn-Harris has been living with Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) since his early twenties. He acknowledges that he is privileged in that he was able through support of his family to complete his graduate studies and become a professor, researcher and writer. Despite his accomplishments, he continues to strive to balance his chronic illness and live his full life. I was intrigued by an article he published in The Guardian: "I gave up hope of a cure for my chronic condition. And it’s made me happier than ever before." We talk about the idea of hope - when it is helpful and when it is hurtful. Maybe leaning into accepting what is may be more helpful than hoping for something that will never be.
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PrecariousBy MHNR Network, LLC

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