REUNION Christian Church - Sermons

Leverage: Time (Week 3)

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While the modern world is riddled with deceptive mindsets and mechanisms created to steal and waste our time, God calls us to be conscious stewards of our time, and aim to live in our current seasons with the knowledge and hope of our future in eternity with Him.

As creations intentionally made in His image, eternity is set into our hearts, providing us with a purpose that should drive our lives on Earth.  Many of us need a new perspective on time, what it actually is, and how we should actually use it.  Time is the most important commodity in our lives, and by moving from carelessness to carefulness we can honor God with the time He has given us on Earth. Treating our time foolishly can look like wasting it through exchanging worship of God for unsatisfying idols, hoarding possessions that will not last, and building our lives on weak foundations. However, pursuing a wise perspective ensures that we devote our lives to what truly matters rather than things that ultimately pull us away from God. When we live in light of the future, we can shift from squandering to leveraging our time to fulfill the purposes God has given each of us.

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REUNION Christian Church - SermonsBy REUNION Christian Church