Are You Real  | Finding Your Purpose

Linked 22: Restoring A City Through Missions and Prayer with Rachel Freeman

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In episode 22 of Are You Real Linked we here from Raechel Freeman. Raechel is a city taker called to the city of Lebanon TN. She shares how her and her husband were called from California to plant a salvation army, and how it can only be done through prayer. Raechel says "Things that are done in prayer have more of the eternal foundation God wants." She says "structure is always in play when God starts it." Raechel talks about her family growing up, and how her mother started an inner city school. She has been involved in planting salvation armies since 1999, and has planted them in many different places. She has a passion to see prayer and worship be brought back into what God is doing in and through the salvation army. 


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Are You Real  | Finding Your PurposeBy Jon B. Fuller

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