This Week in Podcasting (TWIP)

Listening Lockdown Habits, Storytelling to hook an Audience, how to Support your Listener Community, and More.

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Episode 32 is all about staying strong.

We start to see how listening is shifting during the lockdown. Weekends are 32% more popular and listen-through rates are sky-high.

We learn the plus-minus storytelling method, compliments of Doug Fraser of The Podcast Movement. It’s a quick and easy method to visualize positive and negative emotional shifts throughout a story, which are important for keeping an audience hooked.

We highlight some unique ways to support your audience during this hard time. Troy Price of Podcast Business Journal suggests helpful affiliate programs, live sessions, and more.

We highlight a few new podcasts, that are too fun to pass up.

The podcast industry is rapidly growing. Sounder makes it easy for audio creators to stay on top of it all with This Week In Podcasting, where we discuss this week’s most exciting podcasting news and tips, all in under 10 minutes.

Short Guitar Clip by Audionautix- (


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