The Caregiver Lawyer

Long Term Care Planning with Christina Pinto

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70% of people age 65 and older will need Long Term Care at some point in their life.

The estimated cost of a home health aide is $46K, Adult daycare services, $18K, Assisted Living $45K, Skilled Nursing $92K!

In this episode of Candid Conversation About Care, Amanda Singleton, The Caregiving Lawyer, visits with family caregiver and Certified Financial Planner Christina Pinto about the importance of creating a plan now for Long Term Care Assistance.

(Conversations in this podcast are for informational purposes only and are not to be substituted for legal or financial advice. Always contact your own attorney for legal advice, your own financial planner for financial advice, and your own doctor for medical advice.)

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The Caregiver LawyerBy Amanda Singleton, The Caregiver Lawyer, on the Whole Care Network