Michigan Policast for Tuesday, October 19, 2021
* MAGA Big Lie rallies and GOP voter suppression
* GOP Gubernatorial goofballs
* State Representatives Rachel Hood and Sarah Anthony on the lead contamination crisis
* COVID updates
* Dr. Jason Miller, MSU Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management on the supply chain crisis
* Political notes
Folks to follow on Twitter:
* @RachelHood76
* @SarahAnthony517
* @MSUSupplyChain
* @LtGovGilchrist
* @MIAttyGen
* @dananessel
* @MDHHS_Director
* @cyndiroper
* @MSUBroadCollege
* @princetongerry
* @SecretaryPete
Jump to a topic:
* Segment one: MAGA Big Lie rallies and GOP voter suppression
* Segment two: GOP Gubernatorial goofballs
* Segment three: State Representatives Rachel Hood and Sarah Anthony on the lead contamination crisis
* Segment four: COVID updates
* Segment five: Dr. Jason Miller, MSU Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management on the supply chain crisis
* Political notes
MAGA Big Lie rallies and GOP voter suppression
Trump activists seek Michigan vote forensic audit. Next stop: ‘revolution’ | Bridge Michigan
Michigan Trump supporters to launch ballot drive for ‘forensic audit'
Pro-Trump activists could knock on your door asking questions about the 2020 election – mlive.com
Who’s at door? It may be Trump loyalists, hunting for Michigan ‘ghost voters’ | Bridge Michigan
The right-wing operatives orchestrating the attack on America's school boards – by Judd Legum, Tesnim Zekeria, and Rebecca Crosby – Popular Information