Michigan Policast for Monday, July 13, 2020
In this episode:
* Mask up Michigan!
* Emergency powers of the Governor
* COVID-19 and K12 and higher education
* Senator Gary Peters on unemployment, CARES, and more
* Susan Demas on sexism in Michigan politics
* Political Notes
* John James says what?
* Transcript
* @GaryPeters
* @SenGaryPeters
* @GovWhitmer
* @MiAttyGen
* @MichiganAdvance
* @sjdemas
* @JohnJamesReveal
Jump to:
* Segment one: Mask up Michigan!
* Segment two: Emergency powers of the Governor
* Segment three: COVID-19 and K12 and higher education
* Segment four: Senator Gary Peters on unemployment, CARES, and more
* Segment five: Susan Demas on sexism in Michigan politics
* Segment six: Political Notes
* Segment seven: John James says what?
* Transcript
* Comments
Mask up Michigan!
* Whitmer – Governor Whitmer Signs Executive Order Requiring Mask Use in all Indoor Public Spaces
* Coronavirus – Michigan Data
* Michigan coronavirus unemployment, map, curve, updated COVID-19 news | Bridge Magazine
* Michigan’s mask mandate highlights political fault lines in coronavirus crisis – mlive.com
* EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 2020-147 Masks
* Unmasked! The effect of face masks on the spread of COVID-19
* COVID-19 Projections
* Michiganders mostly have to mask up, but here are 9 exceptions
* Van Buren County Sheriff won't enforce Whitmer's mask mandate