NGV World Podcast

Matt Bonelli, Cofounder and VP of Adsorbed Natural Gas Products Inc. introduces the adsorbed natural gas technology for natural gas vehicles

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In this episode we chat with Matt Bonelli. He is the Vice President and co-founder of Adsorbed Natural Gas Products Inc. a company dedicated to develop adsorbed natural gas (ANG) cylinders since 2012. 

We go deep into understanding the amazing Adsorption Technology which allows a porous carbon activated volume to use all the internal surface areas and enable to store more natural gas with a lot less pressure than using the regular “empty tank” configuration.

The real advantages of using adsorption technologies come from the savings of requiring only 900psi. That, put together with the activated carbon technology created by Ingevity requires no reheating to extract all natural gas, or cool off to refuel. Even when the carbon activated designs 

Matt talks about the incentives put in place for Electric Vehicles and how natural gas vehicles compares with that technology.

For an existing CNG station that want to refuel to an ANG tank, the only requirement is to have is basically a regulator that drops down to 900psi. But when developing a new station for ANG, requires a lot less initial capital cost, and of course lower maintenance costs. A different size of CNG nozzle and receptacle is put in place to avoid confusions with +3,000psi tanks.

Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

  • How Matt became familiar with the CNG technology in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and the advantages of home refueling (4:05)
  • How exactly adsorption technology works (6:19)
  • How the adsorbed natural gas technology compares with regular refueling technologies, and what does the product need to extract optimally the most amount of natural gas (10:22)
  • Are the ANGP tanks commercially available, and what are the standards involved for ANG, and more pilot programas with Socalgas in California and Southern Company gas in Atlanta (22:45)
  • What modifications are required on the dispenser side, and how would look a station developed for ANG (35:50)
  • What is the roadmap for Adsorption Technology, and what future holds with the convenience of Adsorbed Natural Gas Products (41:25)


ANGP Inc. website

Pictures and the tech behind it

(VIDEO) Plug-in Hybrid Adsorbed Natural Gas Vehicle

(VIDEO) 4 cylinder arrangement - F150 with Ingevity activated carbon

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NGV World PodcastBy Ricardo Carmona