Michigan Policast for Tuesday, September 28, 2021
* Forced-birthers vs the majority
* Paul Egan on Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference
* Michigan FY22 budget
* Redistricting and GOP voter suppression efforts
* Build Back Better
* Political notes
Folks to follow on Twitter:
* @paulegan4
* @American_Bridge
* @nnbagdasarian
* @Adonna_Biel
* @Rodericka
* @DrRobDavidson
* @RedistrictingMI
* @SenErikaGeiss
* @emilyslist
Jump to a topic:
* Segment one: Forced-birthers vs the majority
* Segment two: Paul Egan on Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference
* Segment three: Michigan FY22 budget
* Segment four: Redistricting and GOP voter suppression efforts
* Segment five:
* Segment six: Political notes
Forced-birthers vs the majority
Michigan lawmaker faced terrible choice: Fight cancer or have a baby
James Craig plans to visit with Donald Trump this week
GOP gov. candidate James Craig says he supports abortion ban in secret recording ⋆ Michigan Advance
Secret recording captures gubernatorial candidate James Craig taking extreme position on abortion
Most abortions happen in first trimester, and other facts about Michigan abortion rates – mlive.com
Michigan attorney general nomination race could test Trump’s hold on GOP | Bridge Michigan
Stephanie Chang: Michigan must support the right to choose