A big dream is a bold vision of the future, a vision that both scares and excites you at the same time. It brings out your passion, imagination, creativity, and willingness to take and embrace risk.
You can see the final destination in your mind’s eye and it inspires and empowers you. A big dream is a fire in your belly that fills you up with a craving to make yourself better.
The very act of dreaming and working towards your dreams has immense benefits for your well-being such as greater motivation, more self-confidence, more happiness, and more purpose in life.
A big dream is a powerful idea, but we all have different dreams.
We all have a secret (or not-so-secret) wish list of things that we desire in life. It could range anywhere from something as simple as wanting to be a better person, getting a good job, or being happily married - to starting a business, getting a Ph.D., winning an Oscar, or being a billionaire. Whatever your dream is, you should own it and be proud of it!
When you verbalize something, it becomes more real and important to you. Speak your “why” to yourself out loud (and often) and share it with others too. This will motivate you to live in congruence with your commitments. So the next time you want to increase your performance, declare (to yourself and others) what you want and why you want it. I know it’s hard to share it with others, but at some point, you’ll have to do it.
Your reason “why” will keep you going when nobody else believes in you. It’s that gut instinct that will strengthen you and keep you in the race when you feel tempted to give up. Your big dream is your personal internal compass that guides you through your life’s journey. Define what’s meaningful to you. Not everything that is achievable is important, so the achievement isn’t the issue—alignment is.
Set high goals and aspirations. You can have more than one big dream, but it’s best to relentlessly pursue one big dream at a time in order to achieve the benefits of focus and discipline.