Pisces Full Moon Conjunct Neptune & Black Moon Lilith
The Naked Songwriter Podcast #49
Today’s Pisces Full Moon conjunct Neptune and Black Moon Lilith may have us feeling like the 2019 spin cycle will never end. But it’s the final scene before the curtain rolls up on a brand new act. With Jupiter direct in his home sign of Sagittarius and Saturn stationing direct Wednesday in his home sign of Capricorn, we can finally start to gain traction in our material world endeavors. This positive, forward-moving energy should carry us into December.
My friend Corin Grillo joins me on the pod to talk about her new book The Angel Experiment and our relationship with the gods – astrological and otherwise. Is astrology still valid at a time when both the Earth and humanity are called to evolve into higher awareness?
The conversation – as usual with Corin – is funny, heartfelt, irreverent and inspiring. Check it out:
Learn more about Corin Grillo here and preorder The Angel Experiment on Amazon.
The Naked Songwriter is my (usually) twice-a-month love letter to you in words and music. I can always use a little sugar in my bowl (donate link).
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