T&T The Monday Night Wars

MNW Episode 4: Raw Vs. Nitro - September 25th 1995

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Hello ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to week four of the Monday Night Wars!  This week we watched the September 25th 1995 WWE Raw and WCW Nitro.  If you enjoy our show be sure to subscribe and you can find us on Facebook at  https://www.facebook.com/TheMondayNightWars and you can @ us at @TheMondayNightWars.    WWE RAWMarty Jannetty Vs. Skip (w/ Sunny) (7:39)The Smoking Gunns Vs. Owen Hart & Yokozuna (c) to win the WWF Tag Team Championship (10:09)The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) Vs. The British Bulldog (w/ Jim Cornette) by DQ (7:29) WCW NITROAlex Wright Vs. Disco Inferno (4:00)Kurasawa (w/ Col. Robert Parker) Vs. Sgt Craig Pittman (4:26)The Task Master (w/ Zodiac) Vs. Randy Savage by DQ (2:58)Meng Vs. Lex Luger (w/ Jimmy Hart) (6:46)
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T&T The Monday Night WarsBy Trevor Shelby and Thomas Kennedy