Hello ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to week Five of the Monday Night Wars! This week we watched the October 2ndth 1995 WWE Raw and WCW Nitro. If you want to follow along, watch these shows on the WWE network. Dont forget to subscribe to our podcast and as a reminder you can find us on Facebook unter T&T The monday Night Wars. This show is brought to you all the way from Duddlyville, We are your Hosts “The Fabulous Free Turds” Trevor Shelby and THOMAS KENNEDY!WWE Raw Razor Ramon Vs. The 1-2-3 KidHunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Barry HorowitzPG-13 Vs. Al Brown & Sonny RogersBret Hart Vs. Jean-Pierre LafietteWCW NitroLex Luger Vs. Randy Savage in an If Luger Loses He Must Leave WCW MatchEddie Guerrero Vs. Dean MalenkoThe American Males (Marcus Alexander Bagwell & Scotty Riggs) (c) vs. The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) for the WCW World Tag Team ChampionshipRic Flair Vs. Arn Anderson