T&T The Monday Night Wars

MNW - The Battlegrounds - WCW Fall Brawl 1995

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Hello everyone and welcome to the first episode of T and T - The battlegrounds.  During the Monday Night Wars, every Monday night was a warzone, but it was at the Pay Per Views where the Battles were won.  In the first Pay Per View of the Monday Night Wars we see several great matches including War Games which promases to be quite the match.  Flyin Brian Pillman Vs. Johnny B Bad (Marc Marrow minus Sable) Cobra Vs. Sgt. Bitbull Craig Pitman. DDP Vs. The Renegade who is the Television ChampionHarlem Heat w/ Sister Sherri Vs. Bunkhouse Buck with Dirty Dick Slater (With Col. Rob Parker). Ric Flair vs Arn AndersonWar Games - The Hulkamaniac's vs the Dungen of Doom
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T&T The Monday Night WarsBy Trevor Shelby and Thomas Kennedy