On this episode of the podcast we caught up with Brain De Wild, a multi-instrumentalist and songwriter making vintage sounding psych & prog rock. We chat about the process of writing and recording the song ‘Moby Dick’, some of his influences and more. Follow folks @briandewild @StudyMusicGroup @ctznofficial • Music between the intro segments: Low Hiss (‘Untitled #8’), an outtake from the demo version of his album EP-303. Mix Tracklist: 1. Gee & CTZN - half baked 2. Las Dos - Roots & Herbs 3. HMZA. - Arab Cobain 4. thegoodnews. - Sometimes (feat. MYRS) 5. Black Aesop - Fast Actin' (feat. Walt Liquor) 6. CTZN - nogimics • studymusicgroup.com/podcast •
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