Michigan Policast for Monday, May 31, 2021
* GOP voter suppression
* Former Director of Elections Chris Thomas on the Big Lie
* Vaccines, work rules, and the economy
* Political notes
* Transcript
Today, we remember those who sacrified their lives serving our country and our values.#MemorialDay2021 pic.twitter.com/Y2XEOMW6LV
— Stephanie Chang (@stephanielily) May 31, 2021
Folks to follow on Twitter:
* @dankildee
* @RepDanKildee
* @MichSoS
* @JocelynBenson
* @dananessel
* @MIAttyGen
* @LavoraBarnes
* @arepublicpodca1
Jump to a topic:
* Segment one: GOP voter suppression
* Segment two: Former Director of Elections Chris Thomas on the Big Lie
* Segment three: Vaccines, work rules, and the economy
* Segment six: Political notes
* Transcript
* Comments
GOP voter suppression
* Michigan GOP eases absentee voter ID plan. Critics call proposal ‘pointless’ | Bridge Michigan
* Arizona Election Audit to Resume Amid GOP Infighting – WSJ
* Arizona County's Voting Machines Rendered Unusable By OAN-Financed Vote Auditors | Techdirt
* It's not just Arizona: Push to review 2020 ballots spreads
* Conspiracy Theorists Force Another Sham Election ‘Audit’ — In Georgia – National Memo
* In echo of Arizona, Georgia state judge orders Fulton County to allow local voters to inspect mailed ballots cast last fall – The Washington Post
* Top Wisconsin Republican Robin Vos hires retired police to continue probing the 2020 election – The Washington Post
* Long After Trump’s Loss, a Push to Inspect Ballots Persists – The New York Times<...