The Naked Songwriter

Natural State of Abundance: Taurus New Moon

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Taurus New Moon Beltane Podcast
The Naked Songwriter Podcast #41
The May 4 Taurus New Moon coincides with Beltane, the ancient cross-quarter festival celebrating love, flowers, and the abundance of Nature. In the new podcast, I explore how we can tap into the natural world medicine of Beltane to find calm and clarity amidst the chaos that so many of us have been feeling over the last few weeks.
Plus, new music, Omega/Chandra symbols for the Taurus New Moon and more.

The Naked Songwriter is my (usually) twice-a-month love letter to you in words and music. I can always use a little sugar in my bowl (donate link).
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The Naked SongwriterBy D.K. Brainard