The holidays are upon us, and with that comes family gatherings, delicious food, and a ton of presents. From my vantage point, this also seems like the year artificial intelligence invades the home. Amazon Dot and Google Home are invading countertops, Jibo, the world's first social robot, is dancing up a storm, and kids are building and interacting with toys like the Meccano M.A.X. Interactive Robot. And this seems like just the beginning.
To better understand the technology behind these products and more that will debut in 2018 and beyond, I want to share with all of you a fascinating, venture-backed AI startup out of Boston University's Neuromorphics Lab called Neurala. This deep learning startup has raised $14M to build brains for autonomous cars, drones, toys, and more. Counting NASA, the U.S. Air Force, Motorola, and Teal as customers, Neurala's platform is a refreshingly innovative take on neural network training as well as building a platform for AI to learn and adapt on its own in low connectivity environments.
I hope you enjoy today's conversation with Max Versace, Co-Founder and CEO of Neurala. You can connect with Neurala at:
Website -
Twitter - @Neurala