19 Nocturne Boulevard

19 Nocturne Boulevard reissue episode of the week: LOUP NOIR

09.29.2022 - By Julie HoversonPlay

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MATURE THEMES AND VIOLENCE When a drifter wanders into a small town - things may get a little... hairy. Written by Julie Hoverson Cast List Marjorie Baines - Violet Crestley Lou Garreau - Reynaud LeBoeuf Edith Baines - Eleice Krawiec Dennis Cooperman - David Collins-Rivera (Lostinbronx) Skitch - Justin Grubbs Children - Katy and Athena Music by Thomas Cusack / [Leafy Lane Productions] Editing and Sound:   Julie Hoverson and Justin Charles [1st Draft Productions] Cover Design: Charles Austin Miller "What kind of a place is it? Why it's small town in wartime in the middle of the last century, can't you tell?" ******************************************************************** Loup Noir Cast: [Opening credits - Olivia] Lou Garreau, forlorn drifter MARJORIE Baines, precocious teen Edith Baines, mom Skitch, thug Officer Dennis Cooperman, Mom’s old flame   OLIVIA     Did you have any trouble finding it?  What do you mean, what kind of a place is it?  Why, it's a small town street, during world war two, can't you tell?  MUSIC AMB    BIRDS, PUSH LAWNMOWER, DISTANT RADIO MARJORIE    [reading, in a gruff voice] How can you have no pity for me, oh my Beauty?  [high voice]  But it is my father!  He is dying!-- LOU    [clears his throat]  I'm sorry to-- CHILDREN    [surprised noises] MARJORIE    Oh!  [to a child] Here, hold the place in the book.  SOUND    GETS TO HER FEET MARJORIE    Do you need some help, mister? LOU    Uh.  I'm looking for a Mr. Baines? MARJORIE    Father?  He's not here right now. LOU    [deeply disappointed] Oh.  Will he be back soon? MARJORIE    [sadly]  He's... been dead for three years.  LOU    [resigned]  Oh.  You wouldn’t happen to have a brother, would you? MARJORIE    James.  Yes.  Why? LOU    Is HE around? MARJORIE    Overseas.  Marines  There's no way to know when he'll be back. LOU    [heavy sigh]  Thanks. SOUND    STARTS TO WALK AWAY MARJORIE    Were you a friend of father's? LOU    [rueful laugh, low]  We've never met.  [up]  Where's the cheapest place to stay around here? MUSIC AMB    GARAGE SOUND    LIGHTBULB CHAIN CLICKS ON, DANCES LOU    [groan of pain and waking] DENNIS    [whispered] Are you ready to talk yet? LOU    [mumbled]  Talk about what? DENNIS    Talk about what you are.  LOU    What am I? DENNIS    [hissed] You’re a monster. SOUND    SLAP MUSIC AMB    PARK SOUND    PAPER FOLDING MARJORIE    [coming on]  Oh, hello!  Sorry, I never got your name. SOUND    PAPER CRUMPLES LOU    Lewis.  Lewis Garreau [gah-ROH].  Lou.  And you're a miss Baines? MARJORIE    Marjorie.  Why were you looking for my dad?  Did he owe you money? LOU    [taken aback] I-um-- No. It's --private. MARJORIE    You don't have to treat me like some kind of kid.  I'm almost old enough to drive. LOU    [quiet rueful laugh] MARJORIE    What's that you made?  A bird? SOUND    PAPER LOU    It's a crane. MARJORIE    Hmm.  Nice.  But mister, your crane - it ain't got no legs. LOU    It's flying. MARJORIE    Can't fly forever. LOU    I suppose that depends on whether there's a good place to land.  MARJORIE    Minds me.  Did you find a place to land? LOU    Miss Mason was full up. MARJORIE    What're you gonna do, then? LOU    Move along.  Sleep in the park.  Done both often enough. MARJORIE    Must be nice to sleep out under the stars. LOU    [strange] And the moon. MARJORIE    Not much of a moon tonight.  [looking up] Is it just me or is it sort of strange when it does that - hanging like a big old smile in the middle of the bright blue sky? LOU    There's plenty of strange things about the moon.  [sigh] Run along home, kid. Don’t you know better than to talk to strange men? MARJORIE    Hmph.  If you're going to be that way-- LOU    I am. MARJORIE    [angry] Hmph. SOUND    STORMS OFF, WALKING ON LEAVES MUSIC AMB    GARAGE SOUND    SLAP DENNIS    Just own up to it.  LOU    [resigned but in pain] To what? DENNIS    What you did to that kid. LOU    What kid? DENNIS    You were there when we found the body, you bastard. LOU    oh... SOUND    SLAP MUSIC AMB    PARK MARJORIE    [muttering, huffy] Treating me like I'm some sort of child.  Who does he think he-- SOUND    RUSTLE IN THE BUSHES MARJORIE    [gasp] SOUND    SHE STOPS, THEN STARTS TO RUN SOUND    RUSTLE, THUMP AS SHE RUNS INTO SOMEONE MARJORIE    [gasp] SKITCH    Hey Marjie.  Need someone to walk you home? MARJORIE    Let go of me, Skitch! SKITCH    What if I don't wanna?  Maybe I need someone to lean on. MARJORIE    You just want to push me over! SKITCH    Don't knock it til you try it. MARJORIE    [trying to sound tough]  Let go, or I'll-- SOUND    A COUPLE OF STEPS, THEN THUMP AGAINST A TREE MARJORIE    [gasp] SKITCH    You will, will you?  Tell you what, give me a kiss and I might let you go. MARJORIE    Kiss?  You??  I'd rather kiss a dog. SKITCH    Oh, you like dogs, do you?  Dog-style's fine with me--  [starts panting like a dog] SOUND    RUSTLE, BODY FALL MARJORIE    [starts to scream, muffled] SOUND    STRUGGLE LOU    Get off her, you punk! SKITCH    Find your own rabbit, grampa.  MARJORIE    [still struggling] LOU    [almost a growl]  Take a hike! SOUND    SKITCH GETS UP, MARJORIE RUNS AWAY SKITCH    [incredulous] You wanna rumble?  [laughs]  I only fight guys my own age. LOU    [still growly] Why?  Scared? SKITCH    [a little uncertain now] No!  [conciliatory] Look, pops, it was just a bit of fun.  No harm done. LOU    A little late to apologize.  [Yah! noise as he throws a punch] SOUND    FIGHT BEGINS, FADES INTO MUSIC AMB    GARAGE SOUND    SLAP DENNIS    How does it feel to crush the life out of someone? LOU    [uncertain] I...I didn’t. DENNIS    And who else could it'a been?  You ride into town and just by coincidence, something horrible like this happens?  No sale, bub. LOU    [moan] DENNIS    That nose looks bad.  Gonna need to be set. LOU    It doesn’t matter. DENNIS    Here.  I’ll straighten it. SOUND    JUICY CRACKING NOISE LOU    [howl of agony] MUSIC AMB     PARK LOU    Ouch!  [hiss of pain] SOUND    FEET ON LEAVES APPROACH SLOWLY LOU    Go away. MARJORIE    No.  You need a handkerchief or something?  I studied first aid last year. LOU    I'm fine. MARJORIE    [insisting] Here. Did he bite you?  [joking] You gotta watch out, that dingbat's got rabies. LOU    [low, bitter laugh]  It's nothing. MARJORIE    Why were you looking for my father?  LOU    I - I promised to bring him a message. MARJORIE    Maybe my mom--? LOU    No, no... I'll just move along.  Maybe when your brother comes home. MARJORIE    Oh, come on-- EDITH    [off] Marjie?  Marjie? MARJORIE    [triumph] Too late!  [up] Over here!  [back to him] Come on.  If nothing else, you'll get dinner out of it. EDITH    [coming in]  Marjie?  What are you doing?  [a little wary]  Who's this? MARJORIE    This is Lou, mother.  He chased off Skitch. MUSIC AMB    GARAGE DENNIS    Noses bleed like a sonofabitch, don’t they?  [sniffs at his bloody hand, disgusted noise] LOU    [juicy sniff of pain] DENNIS    [backs off a bit]  Think those ropes will hold you there for a while?  I spose I might have some chains somewhere. LOU    [sniff again]  Why? DENNIS    [harsh]  Because I know what you are. MUSIC AMB    DINNER EDITH    Since you’re the guest, Lou, would you like to say grace? LOU    [uncomfortable mumble] I’m not used to being so formal, Mrs. Baines. EDITH    Edith. MARJORIE    Oh, I’m sure you’ll do it just fine. EDITH    "Very well." MARJORIE    Huh? EDITH    “Just fine” isn’t proper English, Miss Marjorie Baines. MARJORIE    Sorry, mother. LOU    [murmurs something quickly] Amen. EDITH    [consternation] oh! Amen. MARJORIE    [satisfied] Amen. SOUND    A MOMENT OF SERVING, EATING EDITH    We’re not really used to having company, Lou.  Will it bother you if we talk at the table? LOU    [bewildered] uh - No? EDITH    Thank you.  [serious]  Marjie, what was that you were saying about Scottie? MARJIE    [sigh, rolls eyes]  Skitch, mother.  He stopped answering to Scottie simply ages ago. EDITH    You said Lou ... [trying not to sound too worried] chased him off? MARJIE    [losing her bravado]  Yeah.  He was being ... pushy again. LOU    I – I don’t think he’s likely to bother you again any time soon. MARJIE    Oh?  Did you wallop him good? EDITH    Good gracious, Marjie, sometimes I simply do not know what to say about your treatment of the English language! MUSIC AMB     GARAGE DENNIS    You think the police don’t notice when an – an animal like you creeps into town and right off bad things start to happen? LOU    The bad things were here before I was.  Nothing you do’s gonna change that. DENNIS    Shut UP! SOUND    SLAP LOU    [Ung] DENNIS    Don’t go passing out on me, now.  [beat] You still in there? LOU    [gurgle] DENNIS    [mock sympathy] Yeah.  I know.  We’ll think of something to make this better. LOU    [gurgling whisper] Don’t... don’t kill me. DENNIS    Now why would I want to kill you?  I want something from you. LOU    [suspicious] What? MUSIC AMB     DINNER EDITH    So, Lou, tell us something about yourself. LOU    Not much to tell.  Been ... wandering.  MARJORIE    "Looking for", or "looking away"? EDITH    Marjie! MARJORIE    It’s from a song, mother.  It’s poetical. LOU    A little of both, I guess.  Ain’t no one makes it to ...where I am... without a few regrets. EDITH    Have you ever thought about setting down some roots?  LOU    Nah.  [uncomfortable mumble] Ain’t no place would have me. EDITH    What's so terrible about you? MUSIC AMB     GARAGE DENNIS    See, I want to understand.  To know what makes you tick, ya freak.  LOU    You couldn't understand.  Not in a million years. DENNIS    Well, we don't got a million years.  Just a couple of hours til night falls, eh? LOU    Why do you--?  [disgusted noise, realizing]  You know?  No!  You want it!  [horrified laughter] You think it would be fun! DENNIS    I think it would be... useful. MUSIC AMB    CRICKETS and FROGS, OUTSIDE EDITH    I hope you don't mind, Lou.  I don't really have any place to put you inside.  But it's a fine night, and Rolf's hammock is very comfortable, and the back yard is-- LOU    [uncomfortable whisper] I'm very grateful. EDITH    Here's some blankets.  Even a fine night can get chilly. LOU    Thanks. EDITH    [hesitant pause, then] Marjorie said-- said you were looking for Rolf? LOU    Your husband?  Yes. EDITH    Why? LOU    [sigh]  Someone way back in my family did something to someone in his family, so we owed him.  [quickly explaining] It's not money - I mean, look at me.  EDITH    Oh.  No, I didn't think--  I was just wondering if maybe you knew him.  [nervous now]  I should get inside,  Make sure Marjorie's all ready for bed.  SOUND    A FEW STEPS, CREAK OF HAMMOCK ROPES EDITH    [off] Goodnight. LOU    Night.  [sigh] MUSIC AMB    OUTSIDE, NIGHT LOU    [muttering, grunting, in the throes of a nightmare] SOUND    DISTANT FRANTIC WHINNY OF A HORSE SOUND    WOLF HOWLS, VASTLY DISTORTED AND DISTANT SOUND    HUNTING DOGS SOUND    HEAVY BREATHING, UP CLOSE SOUND    GUN SHOTS MUSIC AMB    [morning birds sneak in] MARJORIE     [voice blurring into dream]  Lou!  Wake up! LOU    [waking with a roar, which turns into a noise of surprise as he falls out of the hammock]  [then, muffled] Ouch. MARJORIE    [stifling a laugh]  Sorry!  You were having a nightmare.  I thought it would be better to wake you up. LOU    [still muffled] Sorry.  [getting up]  I didn't hurt you, did I? EDITH    [off]  Everything all right? MARJORIE    [walking off, still grinning] He's not used to a hammock. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed. LOU    [slight chuckle] SOUND    DOG NEARBY STARTS TO BARK, WON'T STOP EDITH    [from off]  Come on in, I've got breakfast on!  I wonder what's got into Rufus? MUSIC AMB    GARAGE DENNIS    So how does it ... work? LOU    It doesn't. DENNIS    [calmly reasonable] I could probably break your nose a few more times. LOU    It's never going to happen. DENNIS    I'll get it out of you, even if I have to bite you. MUSIC AMB    PARK SOUND    WALKING MARJORIE    Thanks for walking me.  Skitch has been ... weird recently. LOU    Weird? MARJORIE    [heavy sigh]  Creepy.  Grabby.  LOU    You sure you don't want your mother to talk to his folks? MARJORIE    I don't want to get him in trouble.  [quiet] His dad beats him up bad.  Scottie used to be okay.  Almost a friend.  Now he's - [firm] now he's just a creep. LOU    Nice is one thing, but you gotta look out for yourself. MARJORIE    Yeah.  [long moment of silence as they walk] What was it you wanted to talk to my dad about? LOU    Just something from way back.  Something about his family.  [painful lie] Nothing that ... can't ... wait. MARJORIE    Is it something about werewolves? LOU    [taken completely by surprise] uh-- what? MARJORIE    I only ask cuz papa always talked about great granpapa and the old country.  And how he used to be a big hunter. LOU    [trying to sound disbelieving] Of... werewolves? MARJORIE    That's what he always said.  MUSIC AMB    GARAGE DENNIS    So.  How does it work? LOU    You'd have to kill me to find out. DENNIS    Let's save that for later. LOU    What time is it? DENNIS    Couple of hours yet.  That is, if you're waiting for ...dark. LOU    I got nothing to look forward to. DENNIS    Why did you come here, to this town, anyway? MUSIC AMB     PARK LOU    [doubtful] Your ...family hunts werewolves? MARJORIE    Well, not nowadays.  I don't think there's any werewolves left.  No place left to hide in the modern world. LOU    [down] Yeah. MARJORIE    Sides, doesn’t take a great hunter to kill stuff any more.  [beat] Now that we have grenades. LOU    [snort of laughter] MARJORIE    Hey, you can laugh!  I thought maybe that was broken. LOU    Just on the fritz. SOUND     HE STOPS. SHE STOPS MARJORIE    [laughing] what? [serious]  what? LOU    Don't ignore this Skitch kid.  Seriously. MARJORIE    Well I wouldn't say I IGNORE him-- LOU    I can see you want to be kind, but what about the next girl? MARJORIE    Next? LOU    You think you're really the only one? MARJORIE    B-but Scotty-- LOU    There are things that can turn even the nicest guy into an animal. MARJORIE    [weakly] Like a werewolf? LOU    Werewolves are rare.  Very rare.  But angry, mean, dangerous boys are common. DENNIS    [controlled anger] Morning, Marjie.  You need a hand with anything? MUSIC AMB    GARAGE LOU    How do you think you know anything? DENNIS    This. SOUND    SET SOMETHING DOWN LOU    That was-- DENNIS    THAT bullet hit a strange "wolf" in the woods last night.  But I didn't find it out in the woods. LOU    No.  [sigh]  You think this is something you could control, don't you? DENNIS    I got self control. MUSIC AMB    WOODS MARJORIE    Morning, Deputy Cooperman. DENNIS    [acknowledging] Marjie.  And this is--? MARJORIE    Lewis.  He was a friend of dad's. DENNIS    [hostile] New in town? LOU    [trying to stay quiet] Just passing through. DENNIS    Were they expecting you? MARJORIE    Goodness.  Listen to you, like he's a suspect or something.  Maybe you should be doing something more useful, like looking for Skitch.  DENNIS    [disdain] Skitch? MARJORIE    Scott Jorgenson. DENNIS    And I should be looking for him, why? MARJORIE    [backing off] He just - It's not that I want you to arrest him or something.  He just was bugging me out here yesterday.  LOU    He grabbed her while she was out here alone. DENNIS    I'll keep that in mind. MARJORIE    [moving away] Come on Lou - I don't want to be late for Joan's birthday party.  SOUND    THEY WALK AWAY MARJORIE    [calling back over her shoulder] Bye, Deputy Cooperman! SOUND    AMB     GARAGE DENNIS    You gotta have self control to be a lawman.  LOU    You're a sheriff's deputy. SOUND    SLAP DENNIS    AND when Sheriff Bonaventure is out of town, I'm in charge.  [backs off a bit]  Look, I can think of all sorts of ways to hurt you.  But I've been reading a couple of books from the library, and they all agree that it's a bite - you biting me - that will give me what I want. LOU    No. DENNIS    You're not going to bite me?  Oh, there's ways. LOU    [yelling] It's not like that.  It's not goddamn tetanus or snakebite! DENNIS    Then tell me what it is like.  Enlighten me. LOU    [very serious and heavy with meaning] It is a curse. MUSIC AMB    DINNER TABLE EDITH    Should we wait dinner for Marjorie, do you think? LOU    Joan's mother said she would drive all the girls home. EDITH    Do you-- do you think Skitch is a danger?  I wish Rolf - or James - was here. LOU    James is your son? EDITH    [heavy emotion] Yes. LOU    Marjorie sounded real proud that he's in the marines. EDITH    [breaks down crying] LOU    What - what's wrong? EDITH    [sobbing] He's dead. LOU    [stunned, but hesitant]  Your husband? EDITH    [wail] James! LOU    [crushed] oh ...hell.  [realizes]  Oh.  Uh.  Would you-- like a shoulder?  I don't mean anything by it-- EDITH    [crying] Thank you.  [buries her sobs in his shoulder] LOU    [trying to be comforting]  There, there. SOUND    DOORBELL LOU    Maybe that's Marjorie? EDITH    [quickly calming, but strained]  She would just come in.  SOUND    WALKS TO DOOR EDITH    [gasp, then very important]  Marjie doesn't know.  About James.  I got the telegram two weeks ago, and I just haven't - I can't -- LOU    Your secret is safe with me. EDITH    Thank you. SOUND     OPENS DOOR DENNIS    Evening, Edith. EDITH    [surprised]  Evening, Dennis.  Is there a problem? [gasp, panic rising]  Did something happen to Marjie? DENNIS    Nothing like that.  I just wanted to check in and make sure you're doing Okay.  LOU    [low rumble] We ran into the deputy in the woods on the way to the party.  [tightly controlled]  He was concerned. DENNIS    Can we talk, Edith?  Alone? EDITH    Dennis.  I'm not ready.  Really. DENNIS    [hiding anger]  Not about that.  About you having strangers in the house with an impressionable girl like Marjorie. EDITH    [angry now] I'll raise my daughter the way I see fit!  I don't need your help on that score. DENNIS    Edith, I-- EDITH    I don't think we have anything else to discuss, Deputy Cooperman.  We were just about to eat dinner.  Good evening. SOUND    SHUTS DOOR EDITH    That ... [quiet but intense] ASS. LOU    What did he do to annoy you so bad? EDITH    Oh... He tried to marry me, way back when. MUSIC AMB    GARAGE LOU    Can I have some water? DENNIS    Tell me something first. LOU    What? DENNIS    [shrug] Anything.  [excited]  Just tell me SOMETHING about what it's like! LOU    It's a curse.  It isn't fun.  DENNIS    How can you say that?  To have the power of life and death right in the palm of your hand! LOU    A gun gives you that.  DENNIS    Yeah, but a gun - people go looking for a gun.  But with an animal.  They just shake their heads and say how sad.  No one LOOKS. LOU    Not for the first one.  Maybe even the first two.  But what do you do when it's the 10th or 20th, or hundredth body to turn up mauled? DENNIS    You have to plan.  That's all. LOU    That's part of the problem.  You can't plan. MUSIC SOUND    OUTSIDE, PORCH SWING LOU    How'd he end up a deputy, anyway? EDITH    4-F.  Too short.  Everyone else went... away.  [starts to cry again, quietly] LOU    Shh.  Here. EDITH    It means a lot to have - to have someone to lean on.  Just the comfort.  It's so-- LOU    Yeah, I know.  [gently teasing] I won't try and marry you or anything. EDITh    [small sniffly chuckle] SOUND    FEET APPROACH EDITH    Oh goodness. SOUND    RUSTLE AS THEY PART SOUND    FEET ON STAIRS MARJORIE    [teasing] Gosh.  Setting a bad example? LOU    Cold.  I mean your mother was. EDITH    [a little too fast] Yes. MARJORIE    Goodness gracious!  I'm just tickled to find out you're still a human being in there, mother.  LOU    [embarrassed laugh] EDITH    [brisk, covering] I think it's time to turn in. MUSIC AMBIANCE    GARAGE DENNIS    [chuckles] I'm a really good planner.  I can handle it. LOU    You don't understand!  It's not YOU any more.  There's this ... agony, and then you wake up.  You're not even a passenger on that train!  DENNIS    What? LOU    It's like - like you send your camera on vacation in your place, and when it comes back, the pictures fade slowly in.  You never get everything, just glimpses.  And it's always the worst things you did.  ALWAYS. DENNIS    You're just trying to put me off. LOU    [fierce!]  NO!  I would LOVE to see you suffer the way I have!!  If it weren't that people would die, I would gladly pass this burden on to you. DENNIS    Only bad people. LOU    When you're - like that - every person looks the same.  Meat. MUSIC AMB    BREAKFAST    MARJORIE    I hope you don't mind.  Mother had to help with something at the church, so I cooked. LOU    Smells good. MARJORIE    Are you thinking of dating my mom? LOU    I... can't. MARJORIE    Whyever not? LOU    I have to move on. MARJORIE    Right away? LOU    Before the end of the week. MARJORIE    Hunting a werewolf? LOU    [sigh]  Something. MARJORIE    Tell me. LOU    Don't get it into your head that you're gonna hunt werewolves, young lady. MARJORIE    Of course not.  But I want to know.  LOU    [indecisive grunt, eats] MARJORIE    [overly casual] Are you a werewolf? LOU    [spit take, then quiet]  Yes. MARJORIE    [serious] Did you come here for dad to kill you? SOUND    HE SETS DOWN THE SILVERWARE LOU    [quiet but firm] Yes. MARJORIE    Why dad?  Just cause of granpapa? LOU    Your family.  It's - this is a curse.  I mean the werewolf.  And whoever kills the holder of the curse will be cursed in turn. MARJORIE    You killed one? LOU    A long time ago.  And the only people who can kill a werewolf without being cursed are your father's family. MARJORIE    Oh, golly. LOU    So I'll go away and check back later-- MARJORIE    My brother's dead. LOU    Uh-- Yeah.  Your mother told me. MARJORIE    So that leaves just ...me? LOU    I couldn't do that to you. MUSIC AMB    GARAGE DENNIS    Just because you can't control yourself-- LOU    You don't think I've tried? DENNIS    I am a lawman. LOU    I don't see a lot of justice right here. DENNIS    You're an animal, not a man. LOU    Kill me, then. DENNIS    I'm sure I'll have to.  Eventually. SOUND    PHONE RINGS, DISTANT DENNIS    Oh, heck.  [laughs, teasing] Don't go anywhere. SOUND    DENNIS LEAVES LOU    Hah.  Ouch. SOUND    TAP ON GLASS LOU    What? SOUND    OUTSIDE DOOR OPENS, MARJORIE SLIPS IN MARJORIE    Oh my gosh!  What did he do to you? LOU    Get out of here! MARJORIE    No way!  At least I can get these knots undone. LOU    It's almost dusk! MARJORIE    [realizing] Oh!  But you wouldn't hurt me! LOU    I would never.  But IT doesn't care. MARJORIE    What can I do? LOU    Go home.  And if you never see me again, but you... hear... howling--? MARJORIE    What? LOU    If it's not me, it'll be him. SOUND    DOORKNOB TURNS MARJORIE    I'll be back! SOUND    SHE OPENS OUTSIDE DOOR LOU    [SCREAMS, FIGHTING TO GET LOOSE, AND DISTRACT DENNIS AS HE ENTERS] MUSIC AMB    BREAKFAST MARJORIE    But that leaves you... What will you do? LOU    Try and stay away from people, as much as I can. MARJORIE    Is it that bad? LOU    Yes.  But no matter how bad it gets, I'd rather suffer it myself than leave someone else to go through it.  At least I'm used to it. MARJORIE    What if you killed yourself? LOU    You don't need to fill your head with these morbid ideas. MARJORIE    Hush.  What about it? LOU    I can't.  I've tried.  Over and over.  If I even start, it takes over.  That's one of the only times the wolf comes - except the full moon. MUSIC AMB    GARAGE LOU    [Howls] DENNIS    [excited] Is it starting? LOU    No!  DENNIS    Damn.  I want to watch. LOU    No.  You don't. DENNIS    Yeah.  I do.  [beat]  You know what's funny? LOU    Donald duck. DENNIS    Hah. Hah.  What's funny is that phone call I just got - Apparently Scott Jorgenson's dad just sobered up and turned himself in for beating his own damn kid to death. LOU    Yeah.  That's real funny. DENNIS    So I got nothing to even blame you for. LOU    I suppose that means you're gonna untie me any minute. DENNIS    Uh... no. LOU    Aw, shucks. DENNIS    [deep breath]  Getting late.  Guess it's time for the chains.  LOU    You want to know the secret? DENNIS    Yeah!? LOU    Come closer. DENNIS    Yeah? LOU    Real close. DENNIS    [a little suspicious]  Really? LOU    I have to whisper. DENNIS    What? LOU    [rra!] SOUND    BITE, RIP DENNIS    [scream!] SOUND    ROPES CREAK, WOOD SPLINTERS LOU    [rough, growl] It's starting! DENNIS    Oh my god! LOU    [agony noises] SOUND    HORRIBLE SHAPE SHIFTING NOISES DENNIS    [freaking out] SOUND    GUN SHOTS LOU    [hit, expires] DENNIS    Huh.  [touches his bite, hiss of pain] SOUND    CREAKY FLESH NOISE DENNIS    What? SOUND    BONE CRACKS DENNIS    [pain!]  oww! SOUND    DROPS GUN, BEGINS TO FLOP AROUND THE ROOM SOUND    DOOR CREAKS OPEN DENNIS    [howls!] SOUND    HORRIBLE SHAPESHIFTING NOISES SOUND    GUN PICKED UP DENNIS    [almost unintelligible]  Self control!  I can... control... [disintegrates into a howl] SOUND    GUNSHOT DENNIS    [pain] MARJORIE    [crying]  Oh!   [Unh! exertion noise when she shoots] SOUND    GUN SHOT DENNIS    [yelp of pain, then angry growl] SOUND    NAILS ON CONCRETE, HE STARTS TO MOVE MARJORIE    No!  Unh! SOUND    GUNSHOT DENNIS    [yelp!  Expires] SOUND    WOLF FALLS SOUND    2 more shots, then clicks. SOUND    SILENCE MARJORIE    No more nightmares, Lou. SOUND    OPENS THE DOOR MARJORIE    Not for you, anyway. SOUND    SHUTS THE DOOR MUSIC NIGHTMARE SEQUENCE, VERY MUCH LIKE LOU'S MARJORIE    [wakes with a gasp] SOUND    DOOR, FOOTSTEPS AMB    KITCHEN, COOKING EDITH    Honey?  You look dreadful.  Are you feeling all right? MARJORIE    I think we need to have a talk, mom.  About my father. END

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