Just how bad are Courtney Love’s vocals, and if it sounds like a horse and smells like a horse, is really a horse, or a woman who loves to be ridden like a one (and that’s not sexual)? What is it like to have a 17 hour erection? The Guardian knows how to test lab-grown penises, and we try to get to the bottom a study that say coffee drinkers have problems expressing themselves. Daniel challenges Paul to give up caffeine for a week – do you think he can do it? Oh, and now you can have three boobs too – just like the hooker in Total Recall!
Stories mentioned in this episode of the Nothing Serious Podcast include:
Courtney Love’s Sound Engineer Didn’t Get Paid So He Isolated Her Vocals And Guitar. Holy Cow You HAVE To Hear How Awful This IsThis woman is never happier than when she’s dressed up and acting like a horseOh Good, 3-Breasted Woman Is Now a Halloween CostumeOuchie: Guy Has 17-Hour Erection, Gets 24 Shots, 2 Pints Of Blood Drained To Prevent Permanent Wiener DamageScientists Want To Test Lab-Grown Penises In HumansOvercaffeinators May Have More Trouble Expressing Their Feelings