Seminary Dropout

147: N.T. Wright Talks about The Day the Revolution Began

10.20.2016 - By Shane Blackshear: Interviews with N.T. Wright, Christena Cleveland, Greg Boyd & More!Play

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N.T. WRIGHT is the former Bishop of Durham in the Church of England and one of the world’s leading Bible scholars. He is now serving as the Chair of New Testament and Early Christianity at the School of Divinity at the University of St. Andrews. For twenty years he taught New Testament studies at Cambridge, McGill and Oxford Universities. As being both one of the world’s leading Bible scholars and a popular author, he has been featured on ABC News, Dateline, The Colbert Report, and Fresh Air. His award-winning books include The Case for the Psalms, How God Became King, Simply Jesus, After You Believe, Surprised by Hope, Simply Christian, Scripture and the Authority of God, The Meaning of Jesus (co-authored with Marcus Borg), as well as being the translator for The Kingdom New Testament. He also wrote the impressive Christian Origins and the Question of God series, including The New Testament and the People of God, Jesus and the Victory of God, The Resurrection of the Son of God and most recently, Paul and the Faithfulness of God.

The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus’s Crucifixion

The renowned scholar, Anglican bishop, and bestselling author widely considered to be the heir to C. S. Lewis contemplates the central event at the heart of the Christian faith—Jesus’ crucifixion—arguing that the Protestant Reformation did not go far enough in transforming our understanding of its meaning.

In The Day the Revolution Began, N. T. Wright once again challenges commonly held Christian beliefs as he did in his acclaimed Surprised by Hope. Demonstrating the rigorous intellect and breathtaking knowledge that have long defined his work, Wright argues that Jesus’ death on the cross was not only to absolve us of our sins; it was actually the beginning of a revolution commissioning the Christian faithful to a new vocation—a royal priesthood responsible for restoring and reconciling all of God’s creation.

Wright argues that Jesus’ crucifixion must be understood within the much larger story of God’s purposes to bring heaven and earth together. The Day the Revolution Began offers a grand picture of Jesus’ sacrifice and its full significance for the Christian faith, inspiring believers with a renewed sense of mission, purpose, and hope, and reminding them of the crucial role the Christian faith must play in protecting and shaping the future of the world. -From The Publisher is your official site for information regarding online classes that are being developed by Prof. N.T. Wright of St. Andrews University, Scotland. It is our hope that you would have the best on-line learning experience featuring courses based on the teaching of N.T. Wright.

The courses contain video lecture material, written material to augment the videos, textbook recommendations, assessment tools (i.e., quizzes), and discussion sections so you can dialogue on-line with fellow students from around the world. This will help us to ‘be transformed by the renewing of the mind’.

Courses offered at are made possible through the collaboration between N.T. Wright, Professor at St. Andrews University, Scotland, and David Seemuth, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Wisconsin Center for Christian Study.

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