Tapping Q & A - Getting the most out of tapping and EFT

[Offer] - Facing My Fears Unexpectedly Led To Action

09.01.2020 - By Gene MonterastelliPlay

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This is not the normal post you get from me. It is a sales letter BUT please, please read at least the first part of it because it contains a story about a profound lesson I have learned in the last year about my own healing journey. Even if you don't read the whole note, do yourself a favor and read the first part. This isn't a marketing trick to get you to read the whole thing. (I don't do marketing tricks.) I think that you will find my story useful in your own healing journey. On Thursday you will receive the regular email with this week's free resources as usual. Let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else by replying to this message. Blessings, Gene The Cost Of Looking Fear In The Eye Last year I spent some time trying to figure out what my next venture would be. Working on a new project that calls on my creativity feeds my soul. The project I was considering was a new podcast called "Facing Fear". My plan was to record a weekly podcast where I would explore one of my deepest, darkest fears. I’m talking about the kind of fears that would have me tossing and turning for hours in the middle of the night. Fears like: There is nothing exceptional about me. I'm 42. Since I haven't found anyone to love me yet, I never will, and will die alone. I spend too much time worrying about my own crap and my loved ones don't know that I care about them. I am just filling my life with tasks so as to avoid facing my loneliness. At my core I am really a selfish person. I worry more about replacing my computer than I do about the real suffering in the world. I know. It’s upbeat stuff. My heart aches a little just in typing that list. Each morning I set aside a little time to work on the project. My list grew and grew as I tried to find the ten "best" fears for the first set of shows. I started outlining short essays about each fear and what I believed to be the root cause. I found myself practicing the wording about the fears for the recordings while I was in the shower or on my exercise bike. Then something really unexpected happened… One afternoon I went to get a glass of water and there were no glasses in my cupboard. A Pile Of Dishes In The Sink And No Clean Bowls Or Glasses I know that an empty cupboard isn't really such an odd thing but let's consider a few facts. I live alone. I have at least a dozen glasses. When I am looking for an excuse to be busy and feel productive I do dishes. That last point is the important one. Whenever I am trying to avoid my worries about things that feel dangerous or overwhelming I head straight to my kitchen and clean. In that moment I noticed that my counter and sink were cluttered with dishes. Almost every dish I owned was visible and dirty. And the reason was because I was so busy doing more important tasks that I wasn't feeling the negative emotions about those tasks. By thinking about this new podcast I was facing my fears head on and healing them. I have never been so happy to see a pile of dirty dishes in my life! It Wasn't Just Clearing Core Issues. There Was Another Key Factor I need to be clear it wasn't just a matter of facing my fears. Three key factors created the change: I named my fears fully and honestly. I thought about the root causes of those fears in a systematic way. I was working towards a clear set of goals. Wallowing in my fears would not have been helpful. That can become self-indulgent and unhealthy. Taking the time to uproot the fears meant that I was healing and feeling better BUT real transformation only happened because I had a clearly-defined list of goals and I was able to step into action. The Right Number Of Goals I think there was also a secondary factor that contributed to my success in taking action: I had the right number of goals. There have been times in my life where I have had a full page of detailed goals. Goals for my personal life, my physical health, my spiritual growth, and my business. It’s great to have that sort of clarity, but in truth I have found it difficult to commit to working towards so many goals. Around the time I started working on the fear project I had pared down my list of goals to just three. I wasn't saying that my life was perfect or that I only needed to work on three goals but by focusing on just three I was able to give each one the attention required to make real progress. I had learned that spreading myself too thinly meant that I wasn't moving forward with anything. You Can Do This Too! I want you to have the opportunity to experience what I did. I want you to have the opportunity to find and clear the core issues holding you back. I want you to have a clear idea of what you want AND I want to support you so you don’t have to figure this out on your own. In the past I have offered 8-month programs which have been more geared toward business owners. This winter I am offering a 4-month program focused on transformation in your daily life. This program will help you to get clear about what you want, uncover what is holding you back, and guide you as you clear those issues systematically. Here Is What The Program Includes: This will be in the format of a 3-hour phone or Skype call, which will be recorded. (Yes, we will take breaks as needed.) At the end of the call we will have a clear plan with well-framed goals and benchmarks to measure your progress along the way. (Assessments, planning sessions, tap-along audio, clearly articulated goals, and plan – $1000 value) [Note: We don't have to do this as a call. You are welcome to come to NYC and we can do this work together in person. I will even buy you lunch!] After each call you will receive an audio recording of the session so that you can return to the tapping we did AND you will be given a tapping code that you can do twice a day to help you to continue clearing the issues covered during the session. Goal, Asset, and Obstacle Assessment – Before we can begin we need to know where you are right now in your life. This assessment is designed to help us gain a clear picture of the obstacles you face and your unaccessed assets to allow you to reach your goals (even if you aren’t quite sure what they are right now). Core Issue Assessment – Most of my clients have one or two core issues holding them back in many areas of their life. This assessment will help us to zero in on those core issues to guide our work. Assessment Prep Tap-Along Audio – Starting a process like this can feel a little scary. You might be worried that we will uncover something awful or that you will do the assessment wrong. There are no right or wrong answers in these assessments but to make it easier for you I have created a tap-along audio to help you to feel comfortable and safe as you go through the process. Kick Start Planning Call And Long Term Plan – After you have completed the assessments and I have had the chance to study them we will create your personal plan. During this call we’ll define your focus for the program in the form of three goals. We will also find clarity on which core issues we will target head on. 14 Weekly 45-Minute Coaching and Tapping Calls – Each week we will have a 45-minute call in which we will review the week’s progress, tap for any new issues that have arisen, tap on the core issues standing in the way of progress, and create very specific actions steps to be taken over the next week. ($2100 value) Weekly SOS Tapping Call – Sometimes issues and resistance to taking action pop up. I would hate for you to feel like you have to wait for our next call to receive tapping help. Every week you will have the opportunity to have one 15-minute SOS call where you can jump on the phone and do a little tapping with me. ($700 value) Email Support – This is something that I only offer to clients working with me for a long period of time. I will respond to any email within 24 hours. This is a great way to get questions answered promptly and keep you moving toward your goals. Advanced Tapping Techniques – In this 8-hour audio training course I teach you exactly how I tap, the tools I use in client sessions and when I am working on my own, and how to know which tools to use in each situation. ($497 value) 10 Question Process – I use this process for tasks as small as rearranging my office and as big as creating a new product line. In over 3 hours of audios I will teach you the process so you can use it again and again to figure out your next steps and name the core issues getting in your way. ($187 value) 6 Months Access To The Ruach Center – The Ruach Center is a membership website that has over 200 tapping audios and hours of instruction to help you to eliminate self-sabotage and take action. Every morning you will receive email with a link to a new tap-along audio to help you start off your day on the right foot. ($97 value) [Note: If you purchased Advanced Tapping Techniques or the 10 Questions Process in the last six months I will apply that purchase price to the cost of this program.] Yes, This Is A Serious Investment. That is over $4800 in products and personalized service. I am offering this program for an investment of $3750. (There is also a four month payment plan available.) Yes, this is a serious investment. BUT that is exactly what it is, an investment in yourself. This isn't about the next four months or about achieving some short term goals. The transformation on offer will be carried with you throughout your life. The skills you learn through this transformation will be useful again and again in the future. Is This Right For You? This isn't for everyone. Like I said above, I can only to work with 8 people in this program. We need to make sure that we are a good fit. I don't want you to waste your time and money. If you are interested I need you to fill out a short application (it is only four questions). After I read the application I will get in touch with you. If we seem like a good fit I’ll set up a time for us to talk so we can have a conversation to see if that is the case. Then and only then, we will begin. If this is going to work it has to be the right fit. This is non-negotiable for me and it should be non-negotiable for you too. Are you interested? Then click the link and fill out the application. >> Yes! I am ready to clear the core issues holding me back and achieve my goals! If you have any questions just reply to this note and I will answer anything you have. I look forward to serving you, Gene PS: Remember, when we clear a core issue related to a goal we are not just clearing it for that goal, but for all areas of our life. When you do this work the effect will ripple into all areas of your life and not just for four months, but for the rest of your life. Join me on this journey. PPS: If you are a small business owner and are looking for something more comprehensive geared to growing your business reply to this message so we can set up a longer conversation.

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