
21: “Old Meets New”

10.16.2015 - By Jewish Educational MediaPlay

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Synopsis: “When Jem and The Holograms perform a cover of a song called “Rock and Roll Is Forever” at an outdoor concert, they infuriate an elderly singer named Bobby Bailey, who turns out to be the lead singer of a 50’s rock and roll band called Bobby Bailey and the Tornadoes.”

Summary: Episode 21, written by Sandy Fries. We open with Jem and the Holograms performing a cover of the 1954 classic, “Rock and Roll Is Forever.”

Cut to Jem and the Holograms music video: “Rock and Roll Is Forever”.

After the Holograms finish performing, an irate Bobby Bailey makes his way to stage, heckling the band. A security guard intervenes and prevents him from reaching the stage.

Bobby Bailey: Boo, that was lousy. You got that song all wrong! You guys really stunk!

Security guard: Hey pops, cool out.

Bobby: I’ll clean you out, jack. You lay one hand on me and I’ll punch out your lights.

Back stage in the Holograms’ dressing room, Kimber asks the girls if they noticed the angry man razzing their set. We then hear Bobby Bailey arguing with the guards as he intrudes and enters the dressing room.

Bobby: That song. That song was all wrong.

Kimber: What makes you such an authority on how we should be playing that song?

Bobby: I’m an authority, because I wrote the song when your daddy was in diapers! My name is Bobby Bailey.

Jem: Bobby Bailey of Bobby Bailey and the Tornados?

Bobby: That’s right little girl.

Jem and the Holograms, along with Bobby Bailey, make their way to the condemned apartment building he’s been living in for the past 25 years. When they arrive, the front entrance is boarded up, but that doesn’t stop Bobby from removing the 2x4s blocking the way. Bobby claims the building is in great shape, although we can clearly see it’s a little worse for wear. Aja asks what the reason is for the condemned sign. Bobby explains that the weasel who owns it wants to tear it down and build a factory.

Cut to Eric Raymond, who is “relaxing” by demolishing an old building. For some reason the Misfits are with him.

Eric: Ah, how relaxing.

Stormer: You sure got weird hobbies, Eric.

Pizzazz: I think it looks like fun.

Eric: Once they’re demolished, I’m going to build the biggest record factory on the east coast.

Roxy: Wow!

Back at the apartment, Bobby shows the Holograms into what used to be the recording studio that his band, the Tornados, recorded all of their gold albums in. But it’s been a long time since that space has been a recording studio. Now, it’s transformed into Bobby’s living quarters.

Eric drives the wrecking ball truck to the final building needing to be demolished, which just so happens to be Bobby Bailey’s building. Eric asks for the Misfits help. What’s in it for them? Once his new record factory is built, their album will be the first one to be cut.

Stormer: Why does it matter where our next album is cut?

Eric: It matters because… Well. It matters, because I’m going to throw the biggest opening party bash you’ve ever seen, and the Misfits are going to perform the ceremonies.

Regrettably, before Eric can enumerate the details of his plan, Pizzazz grabs the controls and proceeds to demolish the building. Eric panics and tries to stop her, warning her that people are still in the building. Eric tries to wrestle the controls away from Pizzazz, all while saying he’s going to be sued for any damages. The wrecking ball is out of control and both the Misfits and Eric abandon the machine.

Bobby and the Holograms exit the building to find out what all of the commotion is about. Bobby notices that Eric is responsible for the out of control machine, runs over to it, and manages to turn it off before any serious harm can come about.

Bobby: Eric, you stupid turkey!

Kimber makes a comment about Bobby not being…

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