The Naked Songwriter

Owning Your Shadow

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Libra and the Mirror of Relationship
The Naked Songwriter Podcast #50
Today’s Libra New Moon opposition Chiron in Aries empowers us to create or attract the supportive relationships we desire. It also highlights the evolutionary imperative to own your own shadow.
There’s tremendous opportunity within the coming chaos for those who are willing to do whatever it takes to evolve beyond illusory limits and step into the power of the Authentic Self.
I dig into some of that chaos with a look at the 21st degree of Capricorn, scene of next week’s Pluto station as well as a main player in the Oct. 13 Aries Full Moon, this year’s Saturn retrograde and the Jan. 10, 2020 lunar eclipse.

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The Naked Songwriter is my (usually) twice-a-month love letter to you in words and music. I can always use a little sugar in my bowl (donate link).
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The Naked SongwriterBy D.K. Brainard