Nothing Serious – Paul O'Flaherty

Parental Olympics – Nothing Serious #90

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In the first episode of 2015 the guys share their thoughts on the terrorist attack at the Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris, then they turn up the heat by attacking the “Sounds of Sodomy” campaign aiming to derail same-sex marriage in Ireland. Sticking with stupid, the guys look at the “Belfie”, the New Zealand couple that managed to lock themselves in a car for 13 hours, and the height of electoral competence that is Kirby Delauter. Finally we pose the all important question of “Should we really give a shit, and can we donate it?”.

The image used in this weeks show-art was created by Dónal Mulligan – @donalmulligan.

Stories mentioned in this episode of the Nothing Serious Podcast include:

  • ‘Sounds Of Sodomy’: Ireland Explodes In Laughter Over Anti-Gay Christian Campaign
  • Paris terror attack kills 12: ‘Prophet has been avenged’ heard at scene
  • You’ve Heard Of The Selfie Stick, Now Meet The Belfie Stick
  • “Give a Sh!t” Donation Drive for the Poop Transplant Bank Needs You to Doo Your Duty – Or do your doody. Your call.
  • New Zealand couple manages to lock themselves in keyless car for 13 hours
  • Kirby Delauter, County Councilman, Threatens To Sue Newspaper Over Using His Name
  • ...more
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    Nothing Serious – Paul O'FlahertyBy