Super Sales Coach

People Might Not Trust Me

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We live in a world where people take 20 or 30 photos of themselves in front of something they visited once, or a celebrity they met randomly and then they run it through a tonne of filters and post it on social media just to feel connected, liked, loved, understood and enough. Basically - people are lying about themselves as much as they can to get noticed. I don’t blame the people, I blame the system. You don’t see your facebook friends with photos of their shitty office, their dirty car and their screaming kids. You wouldn’t see many instagram photos that haven’t been run through LoFi or HeFe filters and tweaked to look amazing. Entrepreneurs, business owners and now small children are all tuned to only put their best foot forward and have become self promoting mini marketing machines.
…makes it kinda tough when you are trying to break through that kind of noise with your business message, right?
So what do you do?
You have to learn to ZIG when the world ZAGS. The way to stand out in a sea of sameness is to do the polar opposite of what the world is doing.
Nobody is going to believe your story if you stand in front of a camera and say “hey… look at me! I was a wanker before I got here, I was a wanker now and I will be a wanker when I leave…”
“Here’s me in front of a billion people teaching them how to make a million dollars in twelve minutes without ever doing any work…” It is all B.S. aimed at the lowest common denominator.
If you want to get cut through in your business, you have to learn how to create what I call “TRUSTIMONIALS™” and in this module I will teach you how.
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Super Sales CoachBy Grant A. Mullen