Join Tim Swartz and Wm. Michael Mott with our guest Peter Robbins. Investigative writer Peter Robbins spent years investigating the story of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, his early work with Sigmund Freud in Vienna and his discovery of Orgone Energy its connection to psychology, sexuality and the universe.
In the early 1950s, Reich, in accordance with his belief that the atmospheric accumulation of orgone radiation caused drought, designed what he referred to as a “cloudbuster”. developed the cloud buster, a simple yet effective apparatus capable of altering the weather. Some of these weather modification operations over Maine attracted UFOs. Reich discovered that by aiming his cloudbuster at the UFOs he could cause them to wobble and their lights to dim. Reich theorized that orgone was being used to power the UFOs. Reich kept the U.S. Air Force apprised of his research in cloudbusting and UFO sightings. Unfortunately, Reich’s research was cut short by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) which ultimately led to Reich’s arrest, the burning of his books and the suppression of his work.