Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast

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This episode continues the exploration we began in the last episode about healing childhood wounds. The transcript of the episode is provided below.

Enjoy the Journey! Thomas

And welcome in to the subconscious mind mastery podcast. Thomas Miller, back with us kind of a sequel. We're going to pick up on what we were talking about in the last podcast about healing, our inner wounds. So this has come from some of the Facebook responses of why people want to join something called the subconscious mind mastery podcast listeners on Facebook.

And with those questions that are there at the top, why would somebody want to be a part of such a group? This is, was the runaway number one reason was to heal childhood wounds. I'll tell you this is opening up kind of a Pandora's box if you will, of stuff for me, because that conversation that I told you about in the last podcast with a friend and, uh, also a podcast list.

As unleashed a few other things, because he shared something with me that has been meaningful to him and his recent past. And I was listening to this concept and I thought, Ooh, this is really interesting. So I started playing with it. And what it is is instead of just kind of thinking like our inner composition.

Of being just our, let's say our ego self, our monkey mind, our conscious mind, whatever we want to call it. And not in a negative sense. I keep saying that as it's not in a negative sense that monkey mind is what makes us us, it's what gives us direction. It's what's helps us figure out the instructions, reading them.

I mean, it's all right. So we have to have our conscious mind. I mean, that's who we are and then we have our subconscious. And of course, that's the part of us that we're really familiar with from listening to this podcast, but let's slice and dice that a little more because what I've come up with on this is there are pockets of us that resist some of the healing that we're trying to do out of skepticism.

So let's break this down even more and I'll tell you the story that kind of started all of it. Is for a while. I had this feeling, this sinking feeling around my future security, finances, health, I don't know, just something about, and maybe it's a concern that all of us feel when we hit this phase in our lives of knowing that we have fewer work years ahead of us and what that looks like on the other side.

So I was having this anxiety around this. So I used this concept and discovered some really incredible stuff. So here are the parts of us. I'm going to say six, and this is in the concept of our team. This is our team that whenever we try to do something, Whenever we try to shift to belief and behavior.

Whenever we try to bring something in, whenever we want to create a job, whenever we want to change a circumstance, et cetera, heal and heal a disease, whatever it is as this is the team that is either working with us for us or against us. So let's consider these as individual parts. We'll break them down and then we'll continue the story and see how this unfolds.

So first is the inner child, then our emotional body, our physical body past events stored inside our conscious mind and our subconscious mind. Okay. So let's break these down. First of all, the inner child, obviously we kind of know what that is, but let's just think about this. It's our hopes and dreams.

It's that part of us that has always just wanted to play the factor of innocence, of hope, of a bright desire for the future, for the simplicity of life, for the desire to live for the desire to grow up healthy and free, to go run and play and just be a kid. And of course that inner child gets wound. The second part is let's consider our emotional body in astrology.

This would be called our water, right? It's our emotions. It's the feeling part of us. It's tha

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