Marketing Secrets (2016)

Proximity Is Power

01.21.2016 - By Russell BrunsonPlay

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Secret notes from within this week’s hack-a-thon. In this special episode with Dave Woodward, Russell and Dave talk about how proximity is power. They also share how bouncing ideas off a bunch of people makes finding an answer easier. Here are a few cool things to listen for in today’s episode: How working with people and brainstorming brings results and answers. How working at home is also good because you don’t have as many distractions as you would at work. And how when you have remote employees, you can also have proximity and get even more stuff done. So listen below to hear how proximity with your employees equals power. ---Transcript--- Hey everybody this is Russell Brunson I’m here today with Dave Woodward and welcome to Marketing In Your Car. We are on day 3 of our hack-a-thon. It’s been good. So we wanted to talk about a topic that is very important and we are seeing the fruits of over the last 2 days. As a lot of you guys know we’ve been doing the hack-a-thon here,  which means basically all the head Click Funnels developers and Dave who’s running all the business development/joint venture/affiliate stuff is in town. Plus everyone in the office here. Anyway it’s funny.  We’re in my office and jammed in there, there’s like 10 people. Yesterday I had to go to the bathroom at 2am and couldn’t get out cause there were too many people in the room.  Everyone was together and we’re getting stuff done and moving it forward.  So the message I want to share with you guys is that proximity is power.  Initially I learned that from Tony Robbins.  Where did he talk about that?  UPW? What’s the context? I’m going to make Dave teach a little bit. But what’s the context of Proximity is power? If you can remember off the top of your head. Dave: The whole key to proximity is power is you are able to get much more done, it’s almost like the mastermind concept where you have so many minds working on the same thing and you have the ability to communicate much quicker. Be able to bounce ideas off and because of that you are able to.  It like one plus one equals three or four because you are so close and you’re able to actually see, you get all this…he’s also talking about all the senses and modalities…but being able to have all that together at one time you are able to focus and get things done super quick. You can bounce ideas off of each other without any delay. You can see the emotion behind everybody. It’s the whole idea. Russell: It’s funny because when we do these we get more done in 3 or 4 days than the rest of the quarter. Dave: Yeah, it’s crazy. You could do these at least once a week but that doesn’t make any sense. Do once a month? Russell: Once a week…. People have always said, “Man, Clickfunnels has evolved so quickly in the last 12 months”.  It has. That’s with everyone remote. If everyone is in the same room, we would have rebuilt the internet at this point.  Even last night it was 1:00 and I was working on this issue in my head. It’s been stuck, I’ve been frustrated.  It’s been hard to move forward because of one block I couldn’t figure out. I started complaining about it. Everyone was there, we started bouncing Ideas.  All of the sudden, the answer was there.  This is the answer.  That answer was like dominos.  Suddenly within 15 minutes of talking with everyone. The answer came together in perfect clarity.  Now we know exactly what to do.  So today we are executing that and getting it done. Dave: It’s that domino effect that is real critical.  Kind of talks about one huge domino, as soon as it goes everything else falls into place. Russell: So awesome. It’s interesting, we’ve built our company and one of the people we’ve modeled a lot with Click Funnels is Base Camp, 37 Signals. If you read the book they wrote Rework, which is one of my top 10 business books.  Also wrote Remote. So they’re all remote, and that’s how Click Funnels has been built.  I wanted everyone in the same office, but… our 2 co-founder ones in Atlanta and one’s in Toronto and they weren’t moving to Boise.  So it became a virtual company, which turned out good.  But that’s what happened.  In Remote they talked about that fact. If everyone works from home, you get more stuff done because you’re not interrupted with meetings, gossip and crap that happens in an office.  Which is true.  Even with 37 signals, they have a corporate office in their town.  Once a quarter they get everyone together and play foosball, they work, just get stuff done.  That’s what we do with this. It’s amazing. It’s nice because it feels like when your apart everyone is working on pieces of stuff.  Whereas, together it’s more like what’s the vision?  What’s the entire movement of the company? What’s the heart and soul?  Which is cool. We’ve had a chance to define and figure out those things.  And solve bigger problems. One of the big problems we have in a tech company is support. How do you keep up with taking ….How do you get faster customer support? How do you get all these things? Two nights ago, we worked until 2 o’clock, then everyone went home.  The tech guys went back to a hotel.  They said they were in the lobby until 3:30 or 4.  Talking about that thing; tickets.  How to make it so we have no customer support tickets and all of our customers  are happy. Which is a big question to ask when there’s not really an answer.  By 4 in the morning, logical reasoning and ideas fly out the window and crazy things start coming. At 4 in the morning they had an idea that was amazing.   This is what needs to happen. They came in the next morning. This is what we thought. Wow!  How did you come up with that? That’s not a normal thing. What was interesting, when we started communicating it to the people involved.  We felt like there would be resistance from one person. And there was, but then that person just removed themselves from the equation.  All the things fell into place to be able to execute on this new vision. Dave: I think the key is if you’re going to have a remote business, you have to get together on a regular basis for that proximity. You can’t continue to be remote all the time. Russell: It’s true with anything, like mastermind groups… Everyone comes to Boise which is not a destination location, but we do it anyway.  Getting everyone here together.  I think it’s true with all aspects of your life.  Not that I’m giving marital advice. A lot of marriages or family relationships fall apart because there’s not proximity.  My family, once a year, we all get together for a week. The things that matter, proximity is huge. The moral of today’s story or podcast is understanding that you can still have proximity even if you are a remote team.  Figure out time once a quarter, at least, to get together.  That’s it.  Anything else cool? Dave: we have some awesome things happening in click funnels which you’ll be seeing shortly. Russell: Tons of good stuff. Dave: Consumption. That’ll be a cliff hanger. Consumption. Russell: Should I set up a big cliff hanger. Russell:  I’m trying to find….There’s a new place in Boise that has a juice bar. We’re trying to find it because I really want a juice. I think I’m another block away. One of the big questions last night is, how do we give a better customer experience? How do we get people consuming the software?  One of the biggest things, this is a lesson I learned ten years ago from Alex Mandossian, he had a product or a teleseminar called Consumption Theory. It was about how if you can get your customers to consume your product, that’s it. Most info product businesses don’t grow because there’s no consumption. People don’t read the product they don’t implement.  How can you get your consumer s to consume your product more?  One cool story he told was, whatever the shampoo company was,  proctor and gamble, 20 years ago, whatever it was, people would shampoo once a week.  How do we get people to consume more shampoo? So they changed the directions to wash, rinse, repeat. People read that, I’m supposed to repeat.  So people went from shampooing once a week to three times per shower session.  Consumption shot up.  And this thing that was, “Every once in a while wash your hair”, became you have to wash multiple times per shower. It increased consumption.  That was our big thing. How do we get more consumption of Clickfunnels.  We looked at return rate and drop offs and those things.  They all have 100% to do with consumption. So how can you increase consumption of your customers?  So that’s the question I propose for you guys to think through. As we implement our new, we call it, Operation Consumption.  I will share with you guys the details behind the scenes. Even with little tiny tweaks, we increase stick rate by 10%, which is an extra $8 million next year. It’s insane.  It’s a thought process worth having and thinking through.  That was one we had last night at 1:30 in the morning.  Oh, here’s the answer, it solved 80 problems at once.  So look for podcasts in the future called Operation Consumption.  That’s what’s coming up. There’s your cliffhanger. Keep listening, you guys. I know you want to unsubscribe, but you can’t now.  You have to keep listening. Also, Dave’s about to launch a new podcast called Clickfunnels Radio that’s coming out February 1st.  So look for that. I’m sure we’ll be promoting it through on our channels as well. February 1st look for Clickfunnels Radio.  He’s going to be interviewing tons of successful click funnels members. You can see what they are doing, get some ideas.  It’s going to be awesome. Alright, we’re at the co-op.  We’re getting juice. We’re out of here. Thanks you guys.  Have an amazing day.  We will talk to you soon.

More episodes from Marketing Secrets (2016)