Carefully Examining the Text

Psalm 119:129-152

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119:129-136 פ

“His own appreciation of the supernatural quality of the Lord’s word (129) is bracketed with his grief over the flouted word (136)” Motyer, 570. “YHWH’s Torah will be presented in the פ strophe as a wonder-working power” Hermenia, 279.

119:129 Your testimonies are wonderful- The same root for wonders is in vs. 18, 27. The word wonderful is used in Exodus 15:11; Psalm 77:11, 14; 78:12; 88:10, 12; 89:5; 139:5; Isaiah 9:6: 25:1; 29:14. This word is especially used of “YHWH’s deeds in the exodus (cf. Exod. 15:11; Ps. 77:11, 14; 78:12)” Hermenia, 279. They “inspire awe and reverence” Miller, 393. “The word is used most often in Biblical Hebrew to describe ‘extraordinary phenomena, transcending the power of human knowledge and imagination” NICOT, 884. 

Therefore, my soul observes them- The word observes could be translated treasures. It is found 61 times in the OT and 10 times in Psalm 119. 

Psalm 119:137-144 צ

119:137 Righteous are You, O LORD- Ezra 9:15; Neh. 9:33; Ps. 116:5; 129:4; 145:17; Jer. 12:1; Lam. 1:18; Dan. 9:7, 14. “Since God is righteous, so His judgments are right (vss. 137-138)” Miller, 393. This word righteous in Greek versions is used for Jesus as Righteous in Matt. 27:19; Acts 3:14; 7:52. Righteous is used in vs. 137, 138, 142, 142, 144.

And upright are Your judgments- NASB Your laws are right- NIV

119:138 You have commanded Your testimonies in righteousness- The law expresses the character of the lawgiver. “Because the Lord perfectly and eternally expresses and conveys Himself in His word” Motyer, 571. “Trust in the reliability of God’s word is directly proportionate to one’s trust in the Lord Himself” VanGemeren, 759. 

And exceeding faithfulness- The word for faithfulness is found in vs. 30, 75, 86, 90, 142. This is used to describe God in Deut. 32:4. “God’s commandments, then, are an expression of His absolute righteousness and His faithfulness to His covenant that is an inseparable element of His righteousness” Ross, 572. 

Psalm 119:145-152 ק

After the pair of strophes in vv. 129-136 and 137-144, which emphasized the torments of the petitioner at the hands of attackers who have forgotten the Torah, the pair of strophes that follow (Vv. 145-152 and 153-160) is dominated by pleas for YHWH for rescue from these attacks” Hermenia, 281

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Carefully Examining the TextBy Tommy Peeler

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