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“vv. 25-28 describe his internal distress (I-lament), that is, that is the threat of physical and spiritual destruction” Hermenia, 268.
119:25 My soul cleaves to the dust- “Clinging to the dust is a graphic depiction of being in a life-threatening condition (see Ps. 44:25)” Ross, 490.
Revive me according to Your word- revive is used in vs. 25, 37, 40, 88, 107, 149, 154, 156, 159. This “is a prayer for God to renew his vitality” Ross, 490. Lev. 18:5 connects life with keeping God’s law.
The Psalms refer “to YHWH as the God who can give life to the dead (Pss. 30:4; 116:3-4, 8-9)” Hermenia, 269.
119:26 I have told of my ways, and you have answered me- “More than anything else, the time of trouble is to be a time of prayer. These eight verses contain seven prayers” Motyer, 567. “The word (drk), ‘way’ appears five times (vs. 26, 27, 29, 30, 32).
Teach me Your statues- vs. 12
119:27 Make me understand the way of Your precepts- vs. 18. This same word translated make me understand is used in vs. 34, 73, 125, 144, 169. He asks for understanding “that I may learn Your commandments” (73), that “I may know Your testimonies” (125), that “I may observe Your law” (34). God’s enlightening helps the psalmist do all of this. At the same time, God’s enlightening comes from the word itself (104, 130).
So I will meditate on Your wonders- meditate- vs. 15. Wonders connects with vs. 18. “The time of trouble is also a time of special commitment, to fix the mind on His wonderful word” Motyer, 567. Wonders are connected with God’s mighty acts throughout history.
119:28 Strengthen me according to Your word- God revives us (25) and strengthens us (28) by His word.” Ross, 269. The word strengthen “is literally ‘cause me to stand,’ which is reminiscent of the literal meaning ‘resurrection’” McCann, 1169.
119:29 Remove the false way from me- 139:24; Prov. 14:12; 16:25 “The word ‘deceit’ may be ‘falsehood’ or ‘deception.’
And graciously grant me Your law- “Graciously teach is a single word, ‘be gracious.’” Kidner, 424. “The word of God. Is also a means of grace, as it keeps one away from the ways of the world’’ VanGemeren, 865. “It is a happy reminder that God’s law is a good gift and is only the antithesis of grace when it is used to earn salvation” Kidner, 424.
119:30 I have chosen the faithful way- It is a time “to choose and set the heart on his truth” Motyer, 567. The faithful way or way of truth is a stark contrast with the false way of vs. 29. While he has chosen God’s way, he asks for God’s blessing in removing the false way.
119:31 I cleave to Your testimonies- In vs. 25 the author cleaves to dust but here it is God’s testimonies they cleave to. This verb is used of our relationship to the LORD in Deut. 10:20; 11:22; 13:4; 30:20.
O LORD, do not put me to shame!- vs. 6; Ps. 31:1
119:32 I shall run the way of Your commandments- This expresses his eagerness to please God. Running “is another way of suggesting not mere compliance with YHWH’s expectations but living by them enthusiastically and energetically” Estes, 409.
For You will enlarge my heart- Maybe God has deepened his understanding or his happiness. “The motif of ‘widening’ the heart (v. 32b)…is a contrast to the image of ‘distress’ and ‘confinement’ or ‘narrowness’ that, in the lament psalms, describe the external and internal troubles of the petitioner (Cf., for example, Pss. 31:8-9; 118:5)” Hermenia, 269.
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“vv. 25-28 describe his internal distress (I-lament), that is, that is the threat of physical and spiritual destruction” Hermenia, 268.
119:25 My soul cleaves to the dust- “Clinging to the dust is a graphic depiction of being in a life-threatening condition (see Ps. 44:25)” Ross, 490.
Revive me according to Your word- revive is used in vs. 25, 37, 40, 88, 107, 149, 154, 156, 159. This “is a prayer for God to renew his vitality” Ross, 490. Lev. 18:5 connects life with keeping God’s law.
The Psalms refer “to YHWH as the God who can give life to the dead (Pss. 30:4; 116:3-4, 8-9)” Hermenia, 269.
119:26 I have told of my ways, and you have answered me- “More than anything else, the time of trouble is to be a time of prayer. These eight verses contain seven prayers” Motyer, 567. “The word (drk), ‘way’ appears five times (vs. 26, 27, 29, 30, 32).
Teach me Your statues- vs. 12
119:27 Make me understand the way of Your precepts- vs. 18. This same word translated make me understand is used in vs. 34, 73, 125, 144, 169. He asks for understanding “that I may learn Your commandments” (73), that “I may know Your testimonies” (125), that “I may observe Your law” (34). God’s enlightening helps the psalmist do all of this. At the same time, God’s enlightening comes from the word itself (104, 130).
So I will meditate on Your wonders- meditate- vs. 15. Wonders connects with vs. 18. “The time of trouble is also a time of special commitment, to fix the mind on His wonderful word” Motyer, 567. Wonders are connected with God’s mighty acts throughout history.
119:28 Strengthen me according to Your word- God revives us (25) and strengthens us (28) by His word.” Ross, 269. The word strengthen “is literally ‘cause me to stand,’ which is reminiscent of the literal meaning ‘resurrection’” McCann, 1169.
119:29 Remove the false way from me- 139:24; Prov. 14:12; 16:25 “The word ‘deceit’ may be ‘falsehood’ or ‘deception.’
And graciously grant me Your law- “Graciously teach is a single word, ‘be gracious.’” Kidner, 424. “The word of God. Is also a means of grace, as it keeps one away from the ways of the world’’ VanGemeren, 865. “It is a happy reminder that God’s law is a good gift and is only the antithesis of grace when it is used to earn salvation” Kidner, 424.
119:30 I have chosen the faithful way- It is a time “to choose and set the heart on his truth” Motyer, 567. The faithful way or way of truth is a stark contrast with the false way of vs. 29. While he has chosen God’s way, he asks for God’s blessing in removing the false way.
119:31 I cleave to Your testimonies- In vs. 25 the author cleaves to dust but here it is God’s testimonies they cleave to. This verb is used of our relationship to the LORD in Deut. 10:20; 11:22; 13:4; 30:20.
O LORD, do not put me to shame!- vs. 6; Ps. 31:1
119:32 I shall run the way of Your commandments- This expresses his eagerness to please God. Running “is another way of suggesting not mere compliance with YHWH’s expectations but living by them enthusiastically and energetically” Estes, 409.
For You will enlarge my heart- Maybe God has deepened his understanding or his happiness. “The motif of ‘widening’ the heart (v. 32b)…is a contrast to the image of ‘distress’ and ‘confinement’ or ‘narrowness’ that, in the lament psalms, describe the external and internal troubles of the petitioner (Cf., for example, Pss. 31:8-9; 118:5)” Hermenia, 269.
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