Carefully Examining the Text

Psalm 119:73-96

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119:89-96 ל

“From its nadir, Psalm 119 moves to its zenith. Complaint has given way to a profession of faith in God’s sovereignty for all time (vv. 89a, 90a), in all places (vv. 89b, 90a), and over ‘all things’ (v. 91). The profession is highlighted by the uniqueness of vs. 90, which does not contain one of the eight synonyms” McCann, 1171. 

119:89 Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven- God’s word is eternally relevant. Just as the stars in the heavens provide fixed points of navigation, God’s word gives us something certain to adjust our lives to and by. 

Allen, 137, states that word here is “an expression of God’s all-embracing purpose which is not only embodied in the Torah but reflected in the created universe (cf. vs. 91).” “The whole creation is evidence of God’s powerful, eternal word” Ross, 540. 

119:90 Your faithfulness continues throughout all generations- Faithfulness (vs. 86 with commandments) “is often paired with ‘steadfast love’ (Pss. 25:10; 57:3; 85:10; 98:3), it communicates the way in which God exercises sovereignty- with faithful love that issues in forgiveness (see Exod. 34:6-7)” McCann, 1171. To all generations is parallel to forever in vs. 89. 

You established the earth, and it stands- Ps. 33:6-9 “The stable universe is a visible token of Yahweh’s faithfulness. The results of the divine word in its creative and sustaining role are seen in the ordered world, whose order is homage to its Master” Allen, 143“The order of creation reveals the love, care, and fidelity of the Lord” VanGemeren, 752. 

119:91 They stand this day according to Your ordinances- This is the same verb translated stands in vs. 90. This emphasizes “what God created is fixed and permanent. This is confirmed in the second colon: ‘for all things are your servants’” Ross, 541. 

For all things are Your servants- “The switch to the plural is slightly distorting, but the implied antecedent is probably ‘all created things’ or ‘heaven and earth.’” Alter, 427. “A striking feature of these verses is the coupling of God’s creative, world-sustaining word with His law for man. Both are the product of the same ordering mind; and not only men but ‘all things’ are His ‘servants’ (91)” Kidner, 426. 

119:92 If Your law had not been my delight- 119:16, 24, 47, 70, 77, 92, 143, 174.

Then I would have perished in my affliction- Would he have perished because he lost hope or because the law prevented him from doing things self-destructive?

119:93 I will never forget Your precepts- This phrase actually begins with the word forever like vs. 89. 

For by them You have revived me

119:94 I am Yours, save me- The I is emphatic. He knows he belongs to God.
For I have sought Your precepts

119:95 The wicked wait for me to destroy me- The word destroy is the same word translated perished in vs. 92. 

I shall diligently consider Your testimonies- “As violence increases, the psalmists seeks refuge in a diligent study” VanGemeren, 752. 

119:96 I have seen a limit to all perfection- This may be “a contrast between limited human understanding and divine Torah-wisdom” Allen, 137. “The feebleness of human potential (apart from God) is blatant” Allen, 143.  God’s limitless knowledge is shown in Job 11:7-9; 28:3.

Your commandment is exceedingly broad- vs. 32 “On the other hand, the commands of God are not limited but boundless (spacious). All earthly perfection is limited- God’s word is not. His commands no limits, because His word is eternal and esta

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