Carefully Examining the Text

Psalm 119:97-128

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119:89-96 ל

“From its nadir, Psalm 119 moves to its zenith. Complaint has given way to a profession of faith in God’s sovereignty for all time (vv. 89a, 90a), in all places (vv. 89b, 90a), and over ‘all things’ (v. 91). The profession is highlighted by the uniqueness of vs. 90, which does not contain one of the eight synonyms” McCann, 1171. 

119:97-104 מ

“The mem strophe is a quiet interlude without petition” Allen, 143. The eight verses begin either with the word מה in vs. 97, 103 and מן in vs. 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104. While this last word can indicate a preposition meaning “from, out of” like in vs. 101, 102, 104, it also can be used as a comparison in vs. 98, 99, 100.

119:105-112 נ

119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet- “The psalmist thinks of the person traveling by foot at night with a lamp attached to his ankles or feet to show him the way (Prov. 6:23)” Miller, 391.

The MT actually has foot instead of feet but a manuscript along with the LXX and Syriac have feet- Ross, 549. This language reminds us of “what Scripture elsewhere calls the believer’s walk” Ross, 551. In contrast the lamp of the wicked goes out- Prov. 13:9; 20:20; 24:20.

The LORD is a lamp in Ps. 22:28; II Sam. 22:29.

119:113-120 ס

“The psalmist stands in contrast to the undecided (113), the evildoers (115), the wanderers (118), and the wicked (119)” Motyer, 570.

119:113 I hate those who are double minded- vs. 104 “Double-minded is akin to the word in Elijah’s taunt at those who hobbled ‘first on one leg then on the other’ (I Kings 18:21)” Kidner, 427. These are people “who appear to be following God, but really they aren’t” Longman, 407. 

But I love Your law- vs. 97 His love for God’s law is a strong contrast to the hate earlier in the verse. These verbs are antithetical. 

119:114 You are my hiding place and my shield- The You is emphatic. Hiding place is found of God in Psalm 32:7; 61:4; 91:1. Shield appears of God in Psalm 3:3; 28:7; 33:20; 84:9, 11; 115:9, 10, 11.

I wait for Your word- vs. 74, 81

119:121-128 ע

“The flow of thought is more awkward than in most of the other stanzas of this psalm, being hindered by the sparsity of words beginning with the letter ‘ayin” Miller, 392. “The key term of the ‘ayin strophe is עבדך ‘your servant,vv. 122, 124, 125. It is used to claim Yahweh’s patronage (v. 125)” Allen, 144. “The petitioner presents himself as a good and faithful servant of YHWH and appeals to YHWH to care for his servant” Hermenia, 279.

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