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Today's Point To Ponder is all about Twitter and 20 tips that can make your Twitter presence better.Are these the definitive, end all and be all for the platform? Absolutely not. These are just 20 that I think can make an immediate impact on your presence.

Start at the beginning.

1.) Use a head shot that shows your smile. People relate better to a face than a pattern.

2.) Fill in all the available information on your profile. About, website, location and bio.

3.) Use up all the 160 characters available for your bio including a url, a hashtag, a professional point, a personal point.

4.) Make your own custom header. is my choice for this.

What You Should Tweet

5.) Tweet information that has great value for your audience, not for you.

6.) Craft your tweets to include your message, a link to support it, a hashtag to track it a picture to frame it and your thought.

7.) Do it all in 100 characters.

8.) ReTweet information you find valuable. If you can, include why you thing its important for your audience or your opinion.

9.) Quotes are great. No, not yours…other people’s. Quotes from your industry leaders, inspirations on leadership, courage, greatness…just make sure you give credit.

10.) Take a walk on the wild side…share personal interest content outside of your immediate industry. Have fun…your audience may find it interesting to know you better than just your business side.

11.) Go easy on foodie tweets.

Go for the GOLD (Engagement)

12.) Twitter is a medium that promotes conversation. Talk with (not to, but with) your audience.

13.) Don’t be lazy with the favorite button. People use fav to mirror the like button on Facebook. Fav is good, RT is great, Reply is awesome! Take the time…remember engage!

14.) Don’t be a RT whore. If you RT every time you get a positive mention you are screaming “Look at me, I’m amazing.” Do it, but do it sparingly….save it for great content (someone promotes something you are doing, not describing what they think of you).

If someone describes you as amazing, now pull out the Fav click or even better…reply with a simple thank you.

Measurement is needed

15.) Measure your success based on goals you define.

Numbers of followers are a measurement that may impress the (m)asses, but engagement and quality of conversations means more to the influencer mind set.


16.) Don’t auto DM at all.

17.) Type like a professional adult if you are a professional adult.

18.) Be positive. Leave the negative to the asshats. Even negative situations can be reframed into the positive.

19.) Use Twitter analytics to help craft your optimal times and days to engage and share.

20.) Make Twitter a better place because you’re there.



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