The StoryTinker

Purple Hyacinth 145: Devil's Den (with Joy)

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Lauren, March and will encounter the messenger tousling with Blair. Will runs after the messenger only to discover it is none other than his brother Rafael. DRAMA. Ā 
At the hospital, detective Lauren interrogates Blair and builds her case to great success, garnering even Herman's approval. She not only gets him to admit his guilt but also discovers the location of the Phantom Scythe weapons cache. Ā 
Lauren relates all this to Kym and Will, and we wonder about March's identity as well as the "he's dead" line once more. Ā 
A nurse steps out of Blair's room and immediately a Code Blue is triggered. We get a glimpse of the nurse's eyes (and Soph's author note) and we know it's Bella.
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Suzie, LadyLibris, Lily, Molly, Veronica, Emily, Jo Rochelle, Saucy Tuggles, Anne Rose, Alexa, Misti, Joanne, Ester, Iā€™m Watching You Ppl, Emily Jean, Jenn, Kay, Lily, Becketts, Krystine, Sadie, Theresa, Mrs. Gastaldo and Amapora.
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The StoryTinkerBy The StoryTinker

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