Are You Real  | Finding Your Purpose

Purpose 108: Doing Small Things With Great Love With Pastor Jon Tyson

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How has God worked in your life to put you in the places to accomplish HIs purpose? How far have you come? If you’re honest, you’ll admit that your life has been a journey that you could have never predicted. You can probably point to the markers and moments along the way that have been pivotal in influencing your faithfulness and passion for His work. Today’s guest is living proof that God’s ways are higher than ours and His purpose is bigger than we can imagine.


Jon Tyson is a widely respected church planter and leader in NYC. Originally from Australia, Jon moved to the US two decades ago with a passion to cultivate renewal in the Western Church. Jon has spoken at Q Conference, Catalyst, and other key venues around the world. His preaching addresses culture and faith with a rare fusion of passion and depth. He has been featured in Christianity Today, NY Times, and Relevate. Jon lives in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan with his wife and two children.


More in the episode:


  • Jon’s story of dropping out of high school at age 16 to be a butcher in a meat factory in a sketchy neighborhood in Australia and coming to the US at age 20 to study theology
  • The visionary boss at the meat factory and the incredible vision he cast for Jon
  • How Jon became a Christian at age 17 at a Pentecostal Youth Revival at what is now Planet Shakers Church
  • The scholarship miracle that allowed Jon to come to the US to study at Bible college
  • A foundational verse for Jon’s life, in his own words: Habakkuk 3:2--”I’ve heard about who you are, Lord. I’m in awe of what you do, and I want you to do it in our day. Make what you’ve done in other generations known now.”
  • The theme of Jon’s life: Closing the gap between what God has promised and what we are experiencing
  • Sharing his testimony at the youth revival and how the Youth Pastor marked that moment to wake up Jon’s destiny and call something out of him
  • Jon’s early morning habit of earnest prayer for revival and the fire that burned within him
  • How he spent the next three years being persecuted for his faith as he completed his apprenticeship at the meat factory
  • Three years of character training, prayer, and the open doors to come to the US
  • How the character and integrity of Jesus has to be the foundation of ministry and influence and success or we collapse into a “sinkhole”--”We have to tend to the secret life of intimacy with Jesus.”
  • How he dealt with the ridicule and temptation at the meat factory and influenced his co-workers through his character and integrity
  • The root of Christianity in discipling others and leading churches: Being faithful in small things
  • Jon’s “Red Sea” story of NYC church planting and being homeless while apartment hunting
  • Jon’s biggest strength: “The ability to handle drama and keep believing that God is going to come through.””
  • Jon’s weakness within that strength: “Sometimes not meeting people in the emotional pain of their lives in sympathy.”
  • Why Jon wrote The Burden is Light to offer people hope in the things they wrestle with daily
  • The dangers of pride, comparison, and discontentment
  • The analogy of the ring with three layers: The call before God, the people we serve, and the people who are eavesdropping on our mission
  • What Jon sees in today’s culture: distraction vs. presence: why we need to learn to pay attention to the life around us
  • How to align your passion with action instead of aligning your passion with opinion
  • Jon’s advice to himself at age 30--”In my desire to model personal humility, I did not demonstrate enough executive will. I had too much of a peacemaking spirit. I would say to steward the call God has for you and I would realign personal humility and executive will in my life.”
  • A recommended book: The New Copernicans by John Seel
  • Jon’s advice: From Hebrews: “God rewards those who diligently seek Him. Seek Him and press into everything He has, and He’ll reward you in ways you can’t imagine.”




  • Find Jon on Twitter and Instagram
  • Like Are You Real on Facebook and send us a message for a chance to win a free copy of Jon’s new book!
  • The Burden is LIght: Liberating Your LIfe from the Tyranny of Performance and Success by Jon Tyson
  • Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald
  • Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman
  • The New Copernicans by John Seel
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Are You Real  | Finding Your PurposeBy Jon B. Fuller

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