How Do I Explain This Shit To My Mom?


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Took 3 weeks to process my thoughts and feelings during this quarantine you guys! I just moved back to NYC two months ago, one month of it has been in quarantine in my old room with my mom that i haven’t lived with six years. Ha! 🙃 From denial, to panic attacks, to depression, to acceptance. I recorded three different dates at three different stages of this quarantine. This is my point of view and no I’m not here to scare you with numbers of this pandemic. Fuck COVID19! Stay safe and if you’re in NYC, take advantage of your benefits. One is free food, being distributed in local churches and schools. If you’re elderly or know someone that is, cannot go out during this pandemic please register them for FREE food delivery at NYC.GOV/GETFOOD !!! -@howdoiexplainthisshittomymom ❤️
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How Do I Explain This Shit To My Mom?By Nelly Nellz

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