Point of Inquiry

Race Car Brains with Bicycle Brakes: Dr. Ned Hallowell on ADHD in a Distracting World

05.03.2016 - By Center for InquiryPlay

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Dr. Ned Hallowell is a child and adult psychiatrist, a

New York Times bestselling author,

and among the world’s leading experts in the field of attention

deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). He’s written numerous books

about ADHD and modern distraction, including Driven to

Distraction, Delivered from Distraction: Getting

the Most out of Life with Attention Deficit

Disorder, Worry: Controlling it and

Using it Wisely, and others. Dr. Hallowell

points out that those with ADHD possess what he calls a “race car

brain,” capable of brilliance and great creativity, but without an

understanding of how to control and train minds with ADHD, it can

result in chaos and havoc.


Dr. Hallowell offers insight on the spectrum of ADHD, and the

misuse of the diagnosis. In the age of digital distraction, a great

many of us struggle to focus on tasks and goals. While his advice

primarily focuses on helping people with ADHD to regain control of

their minds and their lives, much of what he recommends can be

helpful to chaotic, distracted, minds of all kinds.

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