NGV World Podcast

Ravindra Vasisht (Part I) - Director at Agility India Pvt Ltd & Hexagon Composites India Pvt Ltd

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In this episode, we talk with Ravindra Vasisht, Director at Agility India Pvt Ltd & Hexagon Composites India Pvt Ltd. He leads the entering of the company since 2017 of Agility India with a proposal of offering a complete fuel system solution to customers. The approach is not to sell a specific technology, but selling a concept. A complete subsidiary was then created, and Agility India started its first development.

We go deep into understanding such an immense Indian NGV growth, including the OEM participation, the heavy-duty approach and the role of composite cylinders. 

Ravindra Vasisht

The next 10 years for India will be huge. For Ravindra, Long-Distance buses will play a big role in India. CNG or LNG might be suitable depending on the case, depending on the vehicle. Moreover, with several LNG stations being built at this moment, the rapid pace will continue for many more years.

We’ll continue this interview on Part II of this Episode.

Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

  • How Ravindra got into the Alternative Fuels Industry (1:28)
  • What was the lightbulb moment for Ravindra (5:35)
  • How Agility makes a difference to the Indian CNG Market (10:30)
  • What markets will be approached in the short terms (17:58)
  • What has been the past 10 years of development of the Indian NGV Market (29:00)
  • About the expected growth of the Indian Market for the next 5 years (36:09)


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NGV World PodcastBy Ricardo Carmona