Rossaround Backstage Podcast

RBP Episode 4 Kiki Ebsen Singer Songwriter, Keyboard Player

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Kiki Ebsen is a wonderful singer/songwriter who has had a very interesting career. Her first professional gig was working for Chicago as an off stage keyboard player/ singer and synth programmer. Her career has taken her all over the world playing for Christopher Cross, Boz Scaggs, Al Jarreau, Tracy Chapman, and many more great artists. Kiki graduated from California Institute of the Arts with a BFA in Vocal Performance.. She currently tours doing three different types of shows; one show showcases Kiki's original music, another show is a tribute to Joni Mitchell and another show featuring a tribute to her father, the famous actor, Buddy Ebsen. kiki,
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Rossaround Backstage PodcastBy Ross Pallone, Rossaround