Rossaround Backstage Podcast

RBP Rossaround with JT Mollner Episode 17, Film Director: Outlaws & Angels

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JT Mollner is an up and coming American film maker. Born in Las Vegas, he had big plans as a young boy be a novelist. He was influenced by Stephen King and other writers of that genre. As he grew up he discovered acting and realized that acting was just brick in the road toward becoming a director of feature films. He has studied all the great film makers and studied all the films he could possibly watch. After making several Short Films and getting awards and accolades for his work, he finally got his wish and made his first feature film, Outlaws and Angels.
In my interview with JT, I learned that there are a lot of similarities in the film business and the music business. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to your art to succeed.

This my first podcast episode that is not about the music business. I hope you will enjoy this story. Please Subscribe, Like, Share and Comment.

PS: JT is my Nephew. His mother is my sister, Ginnie Mollner. I have watched JT grow up and go through the hard work to get to this point. I am very proud of him and I believe he will be a huge success as a great American Filmmaker.
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Rossaround Backstage PodcastBy Ross Pallone, Rossaround