Rossaround Backstage Podcast

RBP Rossaround with Ross Pallone Season 2, Episode 1

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It's a new year and after taking a bit of a hiatus in December and January, I am excited to get season 2 of the RBP off the ground. After biting of more than I could chew last year, I have decided I will publish 2 episodes per month instead of one every week.. I published 42 episodes last year and I am proud of that work but it was very stressful.

S2,E1 is just me ringing in this new season. Episode 2 is an interview that I did with my sister who was a professional singer all her life and she was partly responsible for my musical aspirations.

Many of you know that I was the FOH/PM for Alan Parsons for the last 6 years but I had to move on from that position as I had the opportunity to go to work for Chris Isaak and I could not do both. My decision to make the change was a very difficult and complicated one as I really loved mixing for Alan and love my AP family. A big factor for me was that I was very burnt out on having the "Manager" tag on my name. I spent about 10 years working as a FOH Mixer & Tour Manager and or Production Manager and it was nothing that I ever really desired to do. My position with CI is exactly what I want to do. I mix FOH and have no managerial duties. The show is great. The people are great and the organization is top notch.

Advancing shows as a PM or TM is very time consuming and I am enjoying spending more time mixing records at my home studio. I am getting more new clients now and I am very happy doing this kind of work.

I hope you will all enjoy my upcoming interviews. I would very much appreciate it if you would click the "LIKE" button and subscribe to my podcast.

Have a great new year, Ross
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Rossaround Backstage PodcastBy Ross Pallone, Rossaround