The Raisin Canes Podcast

RC 033: The Preparations, Positives and Perils of Transitioning Kids from High School to College, Skin in the Game, Huge Sea of Fish Degrees, Life Skills, Social Media, Selling my Soul Not to Move Back Home and You Can’t Touch Math.

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Along with Emma, who is new to the Raisin Canes Podcast, Patty returns to talk about getting your child from high school into college. Emma and I have both done it twice and Patty once. So, we do have some knowledge to share. But, on the other hand, we do realize that college might not be the best choice for everyone. A vocational or trade school is high up on all our lists. Grab some of our insights if you have a kid finishing up high school soon!
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The Raisin Canes PodcastBy David M. Webb, Sr: Website Designer and Podcast Expert