The Extraordinary Negroes

Rebel Yellow (Feat. Ranier Maningding of The Love Life of An Asian Guy)

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In one of our most insightful interviews to date, we chop it up with NextShark Editor-at-Large Ranier Maningding, better known as the mastermind behind the social media phenomenon The Love Life of An Asian Guy.

He dishes on how nearly every marginalized group adheres to the civil rights blueprints that Black people created, the responsibilities and loneliness that come with helming one of the only Asian-American platforms of its scale, how media whitewashing has impacted how Asian-Americans self-identify, how Black and Asian communities have been pitted against each other, and the complicated legacy of George Tekai's activism. Additionally, Jay is a sore loser, Alex is afraid of goblins, and @ElaineVictoria can sing her entire ass off.

Intro courtesy of @ElaineVictoria. And for more from The Extraordinary Negroes:

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The Extraordinary NegroesBy Jay Connor and Alex Hardy

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