achieving adventure

101: Redefining Failure and Turning It into Opportunity and Finding Success in Critical Situations - The Prepper Podcast

12.25.2015 - By Ken (Survival Guy) JensenPlay

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Don’t Allow Fear to Define You

If I allowed my fear to take over, then I never would have started my business. Fear would keep me from taking action. 

People fear failure, because they don’t really know what it is.

You Are Wrong, THEY Taught You WRONG!

The basic definition of failure in Merriam-Webster dictionary is the “Omission of occurrence or performance or Lack of success or falling short.”  

This is because, popular opinion dictates what is written… that and money.  Your parents taught this to you as well.

Don’t Let THEIR Ignorance Define You

Redefine the word failure.

Instead of lack of success or non-performance, we can define it as just part of the process on the path to success

Instead of something done wrong or messed up, we can redefine it as innovation lessons or character building exercises

Thomas Edison’s teachers told him he was “too stupid to learn anything.”

Oprah Winfrey was fired from a job as an anchor is Baltimore.

Failure is a Learning Opportunity for the Awesome

Learn from your failures.  This will provide you with success.  You now know what NOT to do.

Fail NOW Before it is Too Late

Fail while you still have the main availability of your current income streams.

You aren’t getting younger.  Decisions and consequences get harder, the older you get.  If you put off what you need to do, the problem will grow.  If you get moving today, the results will get bigger as well.

Our current situations in the U.S. are more forgiving that those you are preparing for.  It will not get “better” without work on your part.

You aren’t emotional.  Doing it when times are decent and you have a steady income stream will allow you to make level headed rational decisions, and then learn from any mistakes made.

You are learning new skills and knowledge when you fail. You can make it a learning opportunity because you are rational

Who knows?  You may even accidentally succeed!

Respect Failure, Don’t Fear Failure, Reduce Failure

Don’t fear it to the point of inaction, just enough to understand the risks, how to mitigate them, your escape strategy.

Everyone Can Use Failure and Jump Start Success, Even YOU

If you overcome failure, stop making excuses, and learn from it, You would be amazed that your WIN is right around the corner.

Feel it:

Don’t move on too soon.  You need to allow yourself to understand that you had a failure.  Allow some time for it to sink in and for you to process the emotions. Don’t get attached to them.

Reflect on it

In your pause, reflect and decide what went wrong.  Was it careless, was it a trial and error.

Claim Responsibility

If it is your fault, don’t blame others.  If it is outside your control, don’t blame yourself.

If your involvement was the cause of the failure, accept it so you can learn from it.

Admit it

Acknowledge your misstep, and move on so you can refocus going forward.  If you can’t admit it, you can’t fix it.

Take Action

Create an action plan with steps you will take to correct the problem, and how you will prevent it in the future.

At this point, you don’t try, YOU DO.

You learned from your mistakes and came up with a plan to fix it.  Now take action.

If your actions fail, all you have to do is to come back to the steps for using failure.

You Can Also Destroy Your Life and Any Chance of Recovery

Do all of the following items if you don’t want to learn from your mistakes, and you never want to achieve anything.

Move on Too Quickly

Don’t dismiss the failure as small or trivial.  You won’t learn from something that you see as a minor issue.

Blame Others and Make Excuses

If you don’t take ownership, you can’t learn and correct the mistake.


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